Page 12 of Fighting Fire

“No, but it hasn’t been for lack of trying. I say we bring out the big guns and do her a makeover.” Sienna pulled out her cell phone and dialed. “Hi, Kate. Can you get off work early?” She paused for Kate’s answer then said, “Good. How about Lana and I pick you up in about an hour and we’ll grab a chili dog downtown and then shop until we drop.” Another pause. “That’s right. It’s time to make St. James sit up and beg.” Lana could hear the squealing on the other end of the phone when Sienna drew it away from her ear.

Sienna and Lana grinned at each other as Sienna disconnected the call. Lana said, “I’ll race you. First one to the bottom gets a free chili dog.”

Lana made it to the bottom first and jumped around like she’d won the New York Marathon, yelling she was number one.

As they walked to their cars, Sienna said, “I’m glad you had a good time with Sean. I’ll meet you at Kate’s apartment in an hour.”

Lana gave her a thumbs-up and went to her house to shower. Well, actually, it was technically a bungalow that Lana inherited from her maternal grandmother.

Her house was in great disarray because she was in the process of remodeling the whole structure while maintaining some of the old architecture, like the original leaded windows. She was proud of the finished wraparound porch that adhered to 1920 standards.

Lana went into her room and changed into a denim skirt and a SDFD T-shirt. Back in her car, she drove to Kate’s downtown apartment. When she got there, Sienna pulled up. Lana got out of her car and approached her friend, just as Kate emerged from her apartment to the sidewalk. After a few moments of debating who was going to drive, Sienna volunteered, and they piled into her car to drive the few miles downtown.

They parked and got out, making their way through the end of the day crowds to their favorite hot dog stand. After getting the dogs, they strolled toward the trendy shops, glancing in the windows, hoping that something caught their eye.

Kate sighed, picking at the cheese on her overstuffed hot dog. “So, it sounds like you had a really good time with Sean. The fire station showers. I don’t think I could beat that.”

“After we get through with you, there’s no telling where you guys will do it. On his desk,” Lana said, smiling wickedly. She took a bite out of her equally overstuffed dog, feeling guilty that she’d forgotten to ask Sean for her women-who-dare souvenir. She’d have to make a point of getting one from him. Easygoing Sean would probably chuckle and hand something over without a fuss.

“Wow,” Kate said, fanning herself. “That’s a powerful fantasy. Don’t give me ideas.” Kate rolled her eyes. “Except the man is always on the move and hard to pin down. I don’t think he knows I’m alive. He only grunts when I hand him a file as if he’s too busy to lift his head. Do you think he’s angry at me for the DNA case he thinks I botched?”

“Jericho strikes me as the kind of man who gets even, not angry,” Lana said ruefully.

“That’s a comforting thought, Lana. Thank you.”

“All I’m saying is that if Jericho wants something, he goes after it. The man is intense city. I’d have him in a headlock after a few minutes of working with him.”

“He’s also handsome as sin, muscled to perfection, and smells heavenly,” Kate said dreamily.

“You need to make your move, Kate,” Sienna suggested, polishing off her dog.

“Tell me about it,” Kate said.

Lana stopped in front of a boutique. “How about this little red number.Va-va-voom. It should get St. James’s engine running.”

“Why don’t you try it on, Kate?” Sienna asked as she and Lana grabbed Kate’s arm and dragged her inside the shop.

They found Kate’s size and after trying on the dress, Kate came out of the dressing room.

“Yowza. You’ll knock his socks off, Kate. You look great in that,” Lana said, admiring the scooped neckline and the wraparound style. Kate had such a perfect little body, but she hid it under conservative clothes and her white lab coat.

“I don’t know. Do you think it might be too much for court?” Kate asked, looking at herself in the full-length mirror, turning to get a view of the back.

“No. It’s beautiful and would be perfect for court,” Sienna said. “I’d wear it. It commands attention and looks professional, too.”

“It’s expensive,” Kate stated, looking at the price tag.

“It’s worth it. I’d love to see St. James’s face when he sees you in that,” Sienna said.

“You’re getting it,” Lana said. “When’s your next court date?”

“Next week.”

“Good.” Lana walked up to her and put her hands on her shoulders. “Now, the next thing to go is your glasses. How do you feel about contact lenses?”

“Actually, I’ve already scheduled laser surgery, so that I don’t need corrective lenses at all.”

Lana looked at Sienna and they grinned at each other. “Now the hair,” Sienna said as she undid the pins that held Kate’s hair in a tight bun. It cascaded all the way past her butt.