“And you are not?” Maeve snaps. “Using and draining her life to feed your own? Pathetic. You’re unworthy of such a prize.”
Swallowing, he searches my gaze before slumping and tossing his gun down, then he grabs mine and lifts it. “She’s right. Kill me, Zoey, if this is what you want. I’ll never fight you, not ever. I could never harm you. I deserve this. I deserve to die. If it’s by your hand, then fine.” He closes his eyes for a moment before they lock on me, glossy with unshed tears. “I love you, and if that isn’t enough, I understand and I forgive you. I love you, Zoey, no matter what, but you need to decide your future. Not me. Not her. You.”
I step back and raise the gun. He stays rooted in place, his hands wide at his sides, waiting for the shot.
He’s so sure I’ll take it, watching me with peace and love in his gaze.
He’s willing to die for me so I can have the life he thinks I deserve.
“Goodbye,” I murmur.
“I love you,” he mouths just as I fire.
He jerks as the bullet finds its home.
His eyes widen as he looks down, but my own are locked on Maeve and the blood blooming on her chest.
“Zoey, why?” she gasps as she staggers back.
Dropping the gun, I move toward her, getting in her face. “Gray might think he deserves to die, but he’s wrong. He deserves to live and have everything he could ever want. He deserves to live a long, happy life after what you did to him. You’re right. I might be smart and strong and successful like you, but I will neverbe you. I could never hurt another just to get power or money. That’s where you’re wrong about me. I would rather kill myself before I ever became like you.” Pressing the gun to her chin, I meet her eyes. “You hurt children, Maeve, those you swore to protect. Gray might be a monster, but you? You’re the fucking devil, and now you’ll burn with him in hell.” I fire before she can respond, knowing a monster like her will never understand.
Blood splatters across me, and when I meet Gray’s eyes and hold out my hand, I pray my actions finally give him peace. “It’s over. Now let’s go home, my wolf.”
Taking my hand, he kisses me deeply. “Home is wherever you are, little doe. Never doubted you for a second.”
“I know. I saw the truth in your eyes. You would have let me kill you to get close to her.”
“Whatever it took,” he admits, wiping my face, “for you to live, for her to reach her end… It didn’t matter to me. Only you.”
“She died too quickly. I’m sorry about that. I’ll let you torture me instead.” I wink.
“Never torture, baby, never with you.”
Kissing him deeply, I let him taste the truth on my lips. “I love you, Gray, and I will always protect you.”
“And I you, little doe.” He takes my hand, and we step over her body and leave the house behind.
We watch as it goes up in flames, burning away the rot and legacy she imprinted in our city.
We still have names to hunt down, and so long as there are innocent lives out there, there will always be evil to prey on them, but the two ghosts standing in the shadows will stop them.
With my knees on the cold tile floor, I lean into the tub to collect some water into a plastic cup and rinse the blood out of my love’s hair. The crimson gore drips into her bubble bath, polluting the white suds and turning them pink, but my little doe doesn’t seem to mind. She lifts one foot to wiggle her toe into the faucet, sighing happily.
“Do you think I should let my hair grow out? Grow it longer?” she asks pensively.
“Long or short, it makes no difference to me. You’re beautiful either way,” I respond without thought, but it’s true. There is nothing in this world more beautiful than Zoey.
“You’re becoming a romantic,” she teases, turning her head to look at me. “If that’s the case, then I’ll keep it short. I kind of like not having to worry about it. Plus, it makes life super simple when we go out on missions. Can you imagine the hassle it would be to clean blood out of long blonde hair?” She shakes her head with a wicked grin. “Nah, short it is.”
“Whatever you say, little doe.” I chuckle under my breath, kissing her temple.
She leans her naked frame against the top, crosses her arms on the porcelain rim, and places her chin on top of them, eyeing me attentively.