Page 95 of Deadly Match


I nod, pride shining in my eyes. “I’ve tracked the purchases to a house. Shall we see?”

“Yes, it’s time to end this once and for all.” She comes to me, cups my face as she leans in, and presses her forehead to mine, and only then can I breathe. “Are you ready?”

“With you at my side? Always.” I look at Alaric. He and Layla refused to leave while I checked out Zoey’s hunch. “This is my fight. I’ll call you if I need you.” I have to offer him that since he looks like he’s ready to tear down the entire city.

He nods stiffly, placing his hand on his wife as he looks from Zoey to me. “There’s no talking you out of this, Zoey?”

“No. Where he goes, I go. I want to end this; Ineedto. I need them to die.”

“She’s a better fighter than even I am sometimes,” I comment, singing her praises, and Alaric grunts, even as pride for his daughter shines in his eyes.

“Of course she is. I trained her,” he replies proudly before blowing out a breath and tugging her into a hug. “I don’t like it, but I understand. I love you, Zoey. Always have and always will. You will always be my daughter, and I’m so proud of the person you have become… and I’m sorry for being a stubborn asshole. You’ll have to forgive your old man. I just worry, always have and always will, but you’re right. This is your life and your choice, and I will support you.” Pulling back, he smiles down at her. “I guess this means I should welcome you to the family business?”

She laughs and looks at me. “As long as you welcome Gray into our family too.”

“Don’t push it,” he mutters, but it holds no real heat, and when he looks at me, he nods. “Keep my girl safe, and make the bastards pay.”

“I will,” I promise, and when we see them out, I turn back to Zoey.

“Wash and dress, little doe. I’ll gather our weapons, and then we’ll hunt this bitch down.”

“Together,” she states as she hurries away to do my bidding.

I stand rooted to my spot, watching the love of my life nearly skipping with glee over the hunt we are about to embark on.

How my life has changed.

I always hunted alone, and killing was easy, the only time I felt anything, but it was also a stark reminder of my loneliness. Now I’ll never be lonely again. She takes up my world, my soul, and breathes life back into it.

And I am her ghost, her wolf, her fighter.

Together, we are unstoppable.

We will end this, stopping kids from becoming like me, and then will figure out the rest of our lives, but I know one thing—where she goes, I go.

* * *

Idling in the car down the street from the gates of the mansion I tracked some purchases to, I hesitate only for a moment. As if reading my thoughts, Zoey reaches over and smacks my chest. “Don’t you dare. We go in together.”

“I wouldn’t dream of denying you, little doe.” I grin, even though I had been debating asking her to stay behind. “I’m going to cut the power once we reach the gates. After that, we have to move fast. I count five guards outside, but there could be more inside. You stay low and at my side the entire time.”

“You watch my back. I watch yours,” she promises as she checks her gun and then winks at me.

Fuck, that’s ridiculously hot.

“Later, you are bringing that gun to bed,” I growl, making her laugh as she leans in and kisses me.

“That’s a promise,” she purrs before stilling. “Before we go in there, I have something for you.” She pulls a black box out of her bag. “It’s silly, but I couldn’t resist.”

“Nothing you do is silly, my love,” I assure her as I take the box and open it.

Something wells deep inside me. I’ve never had a gift before. Ever.

My heart pounds, and my soul roars in approval. When my eyes find hers, they are on fire with my love and the feeling of possessiveness I have for this incredible woman before me. “Little doe.”

“My wolf.” She grins. “And that is to remind you, in case you ever forget, of who you are to me. So when it gets rough, I’m always there.”