“What exactly do you mean by that?” my sister asks, still trying to make sense of what I just said.
“Fuck my life,” Alaric retorts, running his tattooed fingers through his hair. “She means she wants to work for the agency,” he explains, but the proud little glimmer I catch in his eyes lets me know that he’s not as opposed to my decision as I would have expected.
My sister’s face suddenly pales, and it’s her reaction that’s more concerning.
“I think I’m going to need to sit down for this,” she exclaims on weak knees.
“Let me get you some water, sis,” I offer, helping her sit on the sofa. “You two” —I glare at the two most important men in my life— “try not to kill each other while I’m gone, or I’m going to be pissed at both of you. Understood?”
Alaric instantly nods, since he’s now too preoccupied with his wife to pay Gray any mind.
“I’ll help you in the kitchen,” my wolf offers, trailing behind me.
“Instead of water, bring my woman something stronger, will you, Ghost?” my dad says with no malice in his tone.
My tense muscles ease somewhat now that I have my dad’s silent support. It’s my sister who I’m going to have to win over now.
“Is that really what you want, little doe? We never talked about it,” Gray mutters under his breath when we reach the kitchen.
“What’s there to talk about?” I shrug and open the refrigerator door. “I can’t think of a more worthy cause than to kill every last monster in this world. Can you?”
His head bows before he gives it a shake.
“My feelings exactly.” I smile at him as I grab the vodka from his fridge. I place the bottle on his island and cup his cheek. “I’m good at it, aren’t I?”
He nods, still unwilling to look me in the eye, causing my hackles to rise.
“What’s wrong? Don’t you think I’m good enough?”
His shoulders slump a tad before his silver stare meets mine. “You are. Too good. The best raw potential I’ve ever seen,” he mutters like it was dragged from his soul.
“Why does it feel like that’s a bad thing for you?” I pout.
“Because maybe Alaric is right. Maybe I am a bad influence on you. This life… It changes you. Once you’re on this path, you can never go back.”
I cradle his cheeks in both palms as he leans his temple against mine.
“But that’s just it. I’ve been on this path since my daddy killed my mom and brother. Since he tried to kill Layla and me too. I want to do this. No. I need to do this. It’s my calling, my wolf. Do you understand that? It always has been.”
He lets out a long exhale and then wraps his arms around me. “I understand,” he whispers, lifting the huge ass boulder off my shoulders. “I’m with you, little doe. I’ll always be with you.”
“I know.” I grin, kissing the tip of his nose. “If only it was that easy to convince my sister.”
“I might be able to help with that,” he states evenly, releasing me from his hold to grab the vodka bottle before pouring the clear liquid in a glass. “Follow me.”
My forehead wrinkles in confusion, but I follow him willingly.
I’d follow him to the edge of the Earth, so trailing behind him to the living room isn’t too hard for me to do. When we reach the room, Alaric’s arm is around my hyperventilating sister.
“Here you go, baby. Drink up,” Alaric coos at his wife once Gray hands him the glass half filled with vodka.
Layla, however, pushes the glass away, her eyes red with grief.
“Explain, Zoey. Now. I’m losing my mind over here. Just exactly what do you mean you’re going to follow in your father’s footsteps?” she begs.
I open my mouth to explain, but it’s my wolf who decides to take the floor.