I’m right there waiting for him, vowing to catch him anytime he falls, because that’s a given in any life.
We’ll both fail and fall eventually, but knowing we can pick ourselves up with the support of the one person we love most doesn’t make this vicious world feel so scary to me.
When we both come back to planet Earth, Gray spins me around to plant another earth-shattering kiss on me. Afterwards, I melt into his embrace, resting my head on his chest just to hear his heartbeat.
I count each rapid beat until they become as even as my own. My mind travels to the life we have and if there was ever anyone who could have experienced such a consuming love like ours. I start to laugh softly when one such couple comes to mind.
“What?” he asks curiously when he hears my soft chuckles.
“Nothing. I just thought of something.” I grin widely.
“You did, did you? Was that before or after you came all over my cock? I know it wasn’t during since I doubt you could even remember your own name,” he flirts.
I slap his chest and giggle at his attempt at humor. “Stop.” I laugh. “I’m serious.”
“Okay.” He smiles so goddamn sweetly at me that my heart pitter-patters for him, erasing every thought in my head for a second. I’m still lost in my awe of him when he pulls me back to my previous train of thought. “Now I’m curious. Tell me. What did you just think of?” he asks, tugging a loose strand of hair off my face to tuck it behind my ear.
“Promise you won’t make fun of me?” I pout.
“Promise,” he vows sincerely.
“I was thinking that we’re kind of the updated version of Bonnie and Clyde. Only instead of making a living robbing banks, we do it by killing bad guys,” I explain a little too excitedly.
“Hmm. You do know that they didn’t have the best ending, right?”
“Oh, I don’t know about that.” I shrug. “They died together doing what they loved most, in their own blaze of glory. There are worse ways to go.”
He gently picks up my chin with his knuckle, craning my head back to stare deeply into my eyes.
“I’d rather die an old man in your bed after having lived a full life with you. That’s how I want the grim reaper to come to me, with you in my arms,” he confesses with a wistful tone.
“If that’s what you want, my wolf, then that’s how it’s going to be, and I’ll follow you right after. I’ll never leave you. Not even in the afterlife.”
His upper lip curls into a smile. “I’m going to hold you to your word. Otherwise, be prepared for me to haunt you, little doe.”
“Hmm. My own personal ghost. Why do I like the sound of that too?” I giggle, pressing up to my tiptoes to plant another tender kiss on his lips.
When my feet fall back to the ground, Gray’s attention is already on the building across the street. Our mark is finally making his appearance, stepping out of his town car and walking into the structure, completely oblivious that tonight will be his last.
“Looks like it’s showtime,” Gray teases, grabbing his gun from his holster with one hand while clutching mine with his other. “You ready, Bonnie?”
“With you? Always, Clyde.”
Come what may, let the world do its worst.
As long as we’re together, I’m ready for it all, because whoever thinks about messing with this deadly match has another thing coming.
Just you watch.
The End
Katie and Ivy have known each other since they began their author journey and have become fast friends over the years. Bonding over their love of books and crazy, maddening muses, they have always wanted to work together and finally did.
After deciding to take the plunge, the Deadly Love series was born . . . and matches like these are so deadly that they are bound to set your kindle on fire!