Page 101 of Deadly Match

I shake that thought out of my head and grab a nearby towel to wrap her up in. I help her up from the bathtub, but she slaps my hand away, preferring to do it on her own.

“Uh-uh, buddy. You’re on my shit list.”

“Is that so?” I smirk, keeping an eye on her since her legs still look weak from the orgasm I ripped out of her.

“Yes. I was about to have a real conversation with you, and you completely sidetracked me with those magical fingers of yours.”

“You mean these?” I wiggle them in front of her face.

“Stop being so damn cute. All it does is make me want to jump your bones.”

“Who’s stopping you?” I ask, unbuckling my belt.

“Will you stop?” she protests, placing her hand on my buckle. “I’m serious, Gray. You need to grab your phone and call Hale.”

“Not this again,” I mumble, turning my back and walking into our bedroom.

Zoey follows me like a thunderstorm, drops of water following her and dripping all over our floor. I sit at the edge of the bed, staring up at her as she positions herself between my legs. My cock is mad that she would rather talk about Hale than have some quality time with it, but when she runs her fingers through my hair, my frustration simmers down.

“You asked me to give you one good reason why I wanted you to call your friend back, and I have one—General.”

I hate how his name alone causes old childhood fears to sneak up and claw at my throat. Zoey sees it too, so she sits on my lap and wraps her arms around me to keep me in the present and not trapped in those old, horror-filled memories.

“Maeve said that she couldn’t give us his real name since it was as good as signing her death warrant. That’s a clue, my wolf. It means he’s well connected, a big player in New York. Who better to help us find out who he is than Hale?”

I take her words to heart and think long and hard on the matter.

“If I do this, then I’ll have to explain to him why General is so important to me. He’s a curious bastard, and he won’t just do this for me without wanting to know why.”

“Then tell him.” She shrugs before cupping my face in her palms. “Never be ashamed of being a survivor, my wolf. They are the ones who should bear that shame, not you. Never you.”

I press my temple to hers and breathe in her scent. “Okay,” I mumble after a pregnant pause. “I’ll do it.”

“Thank you,” she says sweetly, pressing her lips to mine.

Her kiss alone reminds me that I’m no longer that broken boy who couldn’t fight off his predators. I’m her wolf, her protector and true love. They can’t hurt me anymore. They can’t steal this happiness from me. No one can. My love killed my worst nightmare and bathed in her blood with the brightest smile on her face. Together, we’ll fight off all the monsters who are out there, and if, from time to time, that means leaning on our friends for help, then so be it.

I’m done being the lone wolf.

I’m in a pack now, with my little doe right by my side.

On cue, Zoey leaps from my lap and retrieves my phone from the bathroom. She skips back into the room, jumps on the bed, and slides behind me, her bare legs wrapped around my waist and her chin resting on my shoulder. She hands me the phone and then snakes her arms around my chest. With one hand, I keep hers pressed against my heart as I look at the phone screen, seeing that there are three unanswered calls from Hale.

“Huh. I guess that asshole does care for me if he’s blowing up my phone like this.”

“Why wouldn’t he? That’s what friends do. They care for each other.”

“I wouldn’t know. I’ve never had a friend,” I admit.

“Maybe you just didn’t know you had one. Don’t worry, Ghost. You have me to point out this kind of stuff now.” She snickers, kissing my neck.

“What would I do without you?”

“You’ll never have to know,” she murmurs. “Speaking of which, when you’re done with Hale, you owe my father a phone call.”

“I do?” I cock a brow.

She smiles wickedly, making my heart flutter in my chest.