Page 47 of Deadly Affair

I shrug and offer him a solemn look before I lean in and give him a side hug. He tightens his hold for a split second and then releases me from his grip.

“I wish you all the luck in the world, Layla. If there is anyone who deserves a little of it, it’s you.”

“Thank you,” I reply and wave goodbye to the one true friend I’ve made since I came into the city three years ago.

I’m going to need so much more than luck though.

I need a miracle.

For all intents and purposes, it seems like the only man who can give that to me is my soon-to-be husband.

Since Alaric was a no-show at the diner, I go home, praying he’ll come here for his answer like he said he would. I pace the old rug in my living room, leaving it even rattier than when I bought it. My eyes go to my phone every few minutes, wondering how long I’ll have to stay here and wait.

My soon to be fiancé must be in the same rush as I am—thank God for small mercies—since he knocks on my door less than two hours later. I swing it open, my face expressionless as I stare at the man who wants me to be his wife, even though he doesn’t know me from Adam.

He doesn’t budge from the hall, waiting for my permission to enter my home.

If I had time to spare, I probably would have accommodated him, but time is a luxury I don’t have.

“I’ll do it. I’ll be your wife,” I say in greeting.

His sapphire eyes light up just a tad before they turn an icy shade of blue.

“Although I’m glad to hear you say that, I thought maybe you could invite me in, and we could talk a little and get to know each other.”

“We’ll have plenty of time to talk after we’re married,” I reply, my tone arctic.

“Hmm,” he hums, and I watch his large hands ball into fists.

Damn it.

Is he violent?

Does he lose his temper on a whim?

I mean, I should know what the hell I’m getting myself into, shouldn’t I?

That would be the logical step to take.

Zoey’s face instantly comes to mind, and I recall how she’s been withering away before me these past few days.

“I don’t mean to be rude,” I explain, my voice coming out more anxious than I want it to be, “but I don’t have time for idle chitchat, much less time to entertain whatever kind oftalkyou might have in mind,” I add, making it very clear that if he thought I was going to bang his brains out when I gave him my consent to marry him, he has another thing coming. “Like I told you last night, my sister is very sick, incredibly so. I need to focus all of my energy on her. I’m sorry if that offends you in any way or if it’s a deal breaker for you, but it is what it is.”

Alaric looks me dead in the eye, and I swear my heart does a backflip just from the way he’s looking at me right now. It’s the most unsettling feeling.

“You’re right. Zoey is what’s important. I wanted your answer today, and you’ve given it. We can deal with the rest afterwards,” he offers softly.

My shoulders nearly shake with relief, and it takes everything inside me not to show how comforted I am that he’s not demanding anything of me right now.

I, on the other hand, still have some demands to make before I can return to the hospital.

“I’ve spoken to my sister’s doctor, and he says he can book her surgery in two weeks. Will that be a problem for you? Moneywise?”

The way his nostrils flare in offense tells me no.

“Good. I’ll probably need your phone number then so I can tell you how much it will cost and where to transfer the funds to.” I hand him my phone so he can add his digits to it, but I become somewhat confused when I don’t see him call his phone with it so he can have mine.

“There’s no need for that. I’ll go to the hospital myself and get it sorted out today,” he promises.