Page 28 of Deadly Affair

“I really wish I could help you, detective, but unfortunately, all I know is that Zoey no longer attends this school. I’m unsure what the dynamics were behind her transfer either, I’m afraid. Sorry I can’t be of more help, but maybe her aunt and uncle can be of more use to you.”

“Yeah, you might be right about that. I think I might just give them a visit.”

“I hope they can help. Zoey will be missed. She and her sister, Layla, were such sweet girls,” she replies in earnest.

I can tell by the way she keeps playing with her hair that she’d like to continue this conversation somewhere more private. I guess playing around with kids all day has her biological clock ticking or some shit, or maybe she’s just horny. I really couldn’t care less.

My dick already has an owner.

Even if she’s too fucking young and clueless to know it.

I give the woman what I hope resembles a fucking smile, or maybe I just gruffly mutter a thank you for her time, but soon enough, I’m back behind the wheel of my car, driving like a mad man to the girls’ house.

Just as I’m parking at the curb of their house, I see the fat fuck they call an uncle get out of his car in the driveway with his postal worker uniform still on.

This time, I don’t even concoct a plan or an elaborate ruse to approach him.

I want answers, and this fucker is going to give them to me.

“Hey, you!” I point a finger at him as I jump over his stupid ass white fence.

The asshole’s eyes widen in fear as he gropes himself to find his house keys.

“Not so fast, you ugly fucker. I have questions for you.”

“If this is about the money I owe Big Tony, I told the other guy that he’ll have his money by the end of the week. I just need to get paid, that’s all. I’m good for it. I promise.”

“Do I really look like a guy who works for a fucking loan shark?” I bark, already gripping his nape.

“You look like someone who’s here to break my kneecaps,” he replies on a sob.

“Hmm. Not wrong there. But I’ll tell you what. I won’t hurt a hair on your head if you tell me where your nieces are.”

He tries to lift his head, confusion plastered on his pathetic, ugly face. “You’re here for those bitches?”

I snarl and hit him hard in the back of his head—so hard, in fact, that the fucker falls to his knees, hugging his ears like the inside of his head is ringing too loudly for him to take.

“Let’s try this again, asshole, and this time, be careful how you talk about those girls in my presence.”

His indignant glare just pisses me off more, so I give him a little kick in the stomach to get him talking.

“I don’t know! I don’t know!” he shrieks in pain after I landed my foot in his rib cage a second time.

“What do you mean you don’t know? You’re their fucking guardian, aren’t you? They are not a pair of keys you just lose. They are two girls! Talk, fucker, because I’m losing my patience.”

His eyes sweep around us, then he curses under his breath when he sees a neighbor across the street hurrying inside his house, making no attempt to help him in any way. I guess this sack of shit isn’t beloved in his neighborhood if no one is going to give him a hand while he’s getting the shit kicked out of him in his own front yard.

Why am I not surprised?

My fingers lodge into his short, greasy hair, pulling the asshole up by the strands just high enough for me to place my mouth next to his ear.

“I’m going to give you exactly ten seconds to start talking. If you don’t tell me where the girls are, then you’ll force me to take you inside this nice home of yours and have some real fun with you. Trust me. You don’t want that.”

When the foul smell of piss scents the air, I let the piece of shit fall to his hands and knees, disgusted as I watch him soil himself.

He raises his hands in clemency, his face red as tears streak down his cheeks.

“I don’t know where they are. I swear. Those bitc—I mean the girls,” he quickly amends, “stole some money from me and left. I swear that’s the God’s honest truth.”