Page 24 of Deadly Affair

“I’ve been closer to it than most, I guess.” I shrug.

“I figured as much. Well, if you can survive one hell, then going to another won’t scare you.”

My brows furrow at his ominous statement.

“You need a job, right? Maybe a place to stay?”

I nod expectantly.

“Then take the subway to Hell’s Kitchen. I’m sure you’ll find what you’re looking for there.”

Although the name he gave me should strike fear into my bones, it does the very opposite—it gives me hope.

“Thank you.” I grin with sincere gratitude.

“Good luck to you. You’re going to need it.” He gives me a curt nod and goes back to his post.


Luck has never been on my side, but that’s okay.

Hell’s Kitchen seems like the exact place where girls like me end up anyway.

I might as well see if I can start fresh there and get a small slice of heaven in such a place.

It can’t be worse than the hell I’ve lived through so far, that’s for goddamn sure.

* * *

I got it!

I can’t believe I got a job!

It’s only a waitressing job at a run-down diner at minimum wage, but with tips and being able to eat at least one meal there on my shift, it will suffice.

It’s the best birthday present I could have hoped for. I’ve been walking on cloud nine since the owner of the diner said I could start as early as the beginning of next week, but my joyful mood is fading away fast as the bus to Charleston gets closer and closer to Aunt Lucy’s.

I squirm in my seat, thinking of how best to approach the subject with her, how I intend to get full guardianship of Zoey and that I will no longer be able to be her housekeeper for zero pay.

She’s not going to like it.

In fact, I’m counting on her shitting a brick the minute I give her the news that I got a job.

I have to swallow my pride, though, no matter how many curses she slings my way, and beg her to let Zoey and me stay at her place until I’m able to save enough money for us to find a place in the city. I cringe at the thought of how that conversation is going to go down, but it’s a necessary evil I’ll have to endure and muster through.

With all the bravery I can conjure, I get out of the bus and walk the two blocks to the place I’ve called home for the past two years, and hopefully for the last time soon enough.

The minute I unlock the front door, I hear my aunt bitch at me for how long I took and that she expects dinner on the table in the next hour or else.

“I’ll be right on that, Lucy, but do you mind if we talk first?” I ask, trying my best not to fidget or show an ounce of the panic I feel that she’s going to make my life harder than she needs to.

“Talk? Talk? Girl, didn’t you hear me? We’re starving! While you were off gallivanting in the city doing God knows what, who do you think had to pick up your slack? Me! Now get your ass in the kitchen before I lose my patience with you.”


Because she’s had so much of that for me lately.

Unwilling to let her deter me, I walk closer to where she’s standing and square my shoulders, my chin a little too high for her liking judging by the scowl she’s giving me.