Page 67 of Because of the Dar

Kai sighs. "Don't get me wrong, man. Your girl is badass, and I love her." My scowl makes him lift his hands in surrender. "Not in that way, bro. Chill out. What I'm trying to say is, something is off."


Kai doesn't know about King's past, what she did—had to do.

"She used to stalk you, Wes. She's always on edge, even when she seems relaxed. She watches you like a…" He rubs his palms over his face. "Like you're a ticking time bomb or some shit. I can't pinpoint it."

For him to have a conversation like this, he's truly concerned. But he also has no idea what King went through. Of course she's on edge. I blow out a sharp breath as the need to defend her bursts to the surface. I don't want to go off on him, but it's almost impossible to keep a steady tone.

"I—thanks." Kai scowls at me, and I bark out a laugh. His expression is not one I see too often. "I appreciate your concern, man. You've been a good friend to me the last couple of years. I haven't been the easiest person to share your house with."

A cocky smirk spreads over his face, one of his typical comebacks burning on his tongue.

I hold up a palm. It's my turn to be serious. "King has a past. One she doesn't talk about unless she has to, and it's the reason she is the way she is."

I'm as cryptic as Lilly's head of security when anyone asks him something about himself.

Kai places a hand on my shoulder. "Just…be careful."

I jerk my head in a nod as he says, "So, are you allowed to party with your friends tonight or what? I need some pussy to celebrate this win. Or a drink. Or both. In no particular order."

And just like that, my roommate is back.

With the entranceto our townhome being up a flight of stairs, King decided that she and Echo would stay at her place. The backyard is right off the kitchen, and Echo would be able to go to the bathroom and come right back in without someone having to carry her.

So, as soon as we're back in town, I grab a bag, throw some clothes in, and head to her apartment. I find King on the couch. Echo's head is on her lap, and she's stroking her fur.

"How are my girls?" I ask as I lower myself onto the cushion and place a kiss on King's temple.

"Glad you're back." She leans into me. Warmth radiates through my chest. It feels good to be wanted.

I scratch Echo behind the ear, and she glances up at me without moving. "We'll get you back on your feet in no time," I tell her.

Focusing on King, dark circles are visible under her light-blue eyes. "Have you slept?"

"Not much. I was too worried she would need something."

I nod in understanding. "Why don't you go lie down for a bit." I shift to lift Echo's head and take King's place.

She resists for a moment but then concedes, exhaustion winning out. "She needs the pain medicine in an hour. The bottle is in the kitchen. Give it to her with a little bit of peanut butter, but not too much, or she—"


"Yes?" She stares at me, chewing on her nail—a habit I've not seen on her until two days ago.

"I got this." I give her a reassuring smile.


"Okay." I wink.

King needed the rest. She doesn't reemerge until it's dark. We order food and spend the rest of the weekend with Echo, resting in her room or on the couch.

When it's time for her to go to work on Sunday, I assure King that I won't leave Echo's side. She's standing in the doorframe, gnawing on her bottom lip. I'm sitting on her bed with my laptop propped on my legs and Echo on her doggy bed right in front of me on the floor.

"We'll be here."

King walks back in and kneels in front of Echo, placing a kiss on her head. Standing up, she leans down to me, putting her mouth on mine, and I involuntarily let my tongue swipe across her lips. She opens up and deepens the connection. Heat shoots to my cock. Shit, I didn't mean for that to happen. All we've done since Echo's accident is cuddle and the occasional peck on the mouth. She sleeps in my arms, and I am content with it. As awful as the accident was, it brought us closer.