Page 64 of Because of the Dar

After an hour of pressing my thighs together and almost peeing my pants, I finally get to rush to the bathroom. One more minute, and I would've embarrassed myself. I'm speed walking out of the employee lounge, not wanting Leigh to be on her own for too long, when two arms grab me from behind.

I don't scream. Instinct takes over, and I elbow the assailant in the side. The hold loosens, and I spin around, ready to execute my next move, when Wes comes into view. His mouth is in a grimace, and he's hunched over. Oh, crap.

"Shit, I'm so sorry, baby." I place my hands on either side of his face, scanning his features. "What's wrong?" I didn't hit him that hard.

"I'm fine," he mumbles, but squeezes his eyes shut.

Fine, my ass.

I tighten my hold and force him to look at me. "What's wrong?" I sound harsher than necessary, but the knot in my stomach from seeing him in pain doesn't allow for patience.

"Mack tackled me at practice, and I landed wrong. It wasn't you who hurt me." He smirks.

For that remark alone, I want to punch him in the same spot again. "You're lucky I left the Helix behind the bar."

He stares at me like I said something idiotic. "Princess, do you think I would've approached you like that if I hadn't seen it on the cutting board?"

"What if I had the Du Hoc on me?" I challenge him.

He grins. "You left that one on my nightstand this morning."

I did?Well, shit!

Wes had talked me into spending the night at his place, and it was everything I ever imagined beingnormal. We ordered pizza, watched a movie with Kai, Zeke, and Kiwi, and then went to bed.

Well, not to sleep.

I sat on his mattress,fidgeting with the duvet, my skin hypersensitive to the gazillion-thread-count sheet set. I'd never slept at a guy's place before—besides Kiwi's, but he didn't count. What if I kicked him in my sleep, or I had my nightmare and woke Kai up? I was sliding my legs back out of the bed when Wes entered from the bathroom.

"What are you doing?"

"I, um…maybe I should go home?"

"Why?" At his scowl, I wanted to pull the comforter over my head.

Why didn't he see it? I didn't want to spell it out.

Closing my eyes so I didn't have to see his reaction, I confessed, "I don't know what I'm doing, Wes. I've never been in a relationship. What if I wake up screaming? What are you going to tell Kai? I can't—"

He stopped me by pressing his lips to mine. Not having seen his approach coming, I fell backward into the mound of pillows, and my eyes popped open.

Pulling back, he studied me. "Do you think I know what I'm doing? I have never had a girlfriend." After a pause, he amended, "Not one I was serious about."

He was serious about me? My heart somersaulted at his admission, and at the same time, my throat closed up. I blinked against the building moisture.

"Hey." His gentle tone made it worse, and I stared at the ceiling above us. "Princess, wha—"

"Why do you call me princess?" I blurted out. I loved it, but it was not your typical endearment a twenty-some guy calls a girl.

"Because of your name: King. Maybe one day, I'll change it to Queen." He winked, breaking the somber mood, and I burst out laughing.

"You're such a dork."

"Don't I know it." He placed a kiss on my nose. "I thought that guy died a long time ago, but you brought him back."

With that, he captured my mouth with his, and I forced every negative thought out of my mind, makinglovefor the first time at twenty-two years old.