BK: Maybe.
That would be a yes. I catch myself smiling because I sense through her words that she's squirming. Am I ready? Probably not. Do I want to see them? Before I can talk myself out of it and send D another text, I push off my bed. Let's get this over with.
Me: See u in 10.
I borrowmy mom's car and drive to the café we used to spend hours at in high school. When I walk in, it seems like nothing has changed—except for me. The guy who used to frequent this place and flirt with every female that looked at him longer than two seconds doesn't exist anymore. The place is packed with kids from Westbridge High on their winter break. One of the baristas recognizes me, and her eyes light up. She's in her mid-twenties and worked here the entire time I went to WH.
"Wes," she greets me. "What a surprise." Her smile is genuine, and some of my nerves ease.
"Hey, Piper. How have you been?" I plaster a fake grin on my face—one anyone who knows me would see right through.
"Great. How long are you in town for?" She scans me up and down, biting her bottom lip. Is she checking me out? My old high school self fist pumps in my head. Hell yes, we always wanted to have a go with Piper. Instead, College Wes wants to run for the hills—Montana mountains.
"Just a few more days, visiting my family." I've reached my socializing quota and want to order my drink. I'm about to ask for hot cocoa when two arms sneak around my waist. "Hey, grumpy."
Piper glances behind me, a frown wiping the flirty look away, and I chuckle.Finally.Twisting, I lift my arm and drape it around Den's shoulders. "Hey, BK." She punches me playfully in the stomach as I place a kiss on the top of her head. Two figures hover behind her, and I draw in a deep breath as I hold Rhys's stare. His expression is impassive, but his locked jaw gives him away. I know the guy better than myself sometimes.Correction: knew him.
My eyes flicker to the side, and Lilly smiles carefully at me. I force the corner of my mouth up, but then realize I don't have to put any effort into it. It feels…natural.
"Hi, Wes," she says softly and shuffles closer to Rhys, who interlaces their fingers.
"Lil." I should probably greet him as well. Facing my former best friend, I dip my chin in Rhys's direction, and he mimics my gesture.
"Well, that's almost civil. Next time, maybe try a verbal greeting with this manly head bobbing," D remarks dryly from somewhere tucked under my arm.
I shut my eyes and bite the inside of my cheek to prevent myself from bursting out laughing. Shaking my head, I face the three. "I'll order. What do you want?"
"Oh, you don't ha—" Lilly begins, but Rhys cuts her off.
"Let's go find a table, babe." Guess he can read me, too. That was my way of saying I needed a moment to collect myself.
Their drinks are not hard to memorize, Lilly asks for her signature Earl Grey, and Rhys wants coffee—black. Hesitating at first, Den follows the other two to a table by the window. My phone vibrates, and of course, I find Den's three-line-long custom beveragedemandon my screen. We have to work on her using the word please.
With a chuckle, I place our order, and while I wait, I take stock. The emotional tsunami that sent me into a tailspin last time I was confronted with them is not present.Huh, interesting.
Everyone is sipping their drinks.How long have we been sitting here? This is beyond awkward.
My hands are wrapped around the mug, and I'm staring at the cocoa when Lilly's voice breaks the silence. "How have you been?" Her tone is careful, and Rhys stiffens at her attempt at small talk.
"Pretty good," I lie. Den clears her throat but doesn't make eye contact with anyone.
"That's good," Lilly replies.
Several more minutes of this deafening silence passes, and I can feel the vein in my neck throb. Am I wasting my time here? Every muscle in my body coils, and I swallow over the simmering frustration. Finally, I have enough. I came here for a reason—one that, up until this moment, I wasn't sure I was ready to accept. But I'm here. They're here. I had let the disappointment in my friends and their actions, as well as my pride, drive me to seclusion from everyone I cared about in my life. I miss my old self. I miss my friends. At that realization, my chest immediately feels lighter. "I understand why you did it," I say to no one in particular.
There are audible intakes of breath, and I lift my head. Meeting Rhys's gaze, I repeat myself. "I get it." Then I add, "But that doesn't change the fact that it was a shit move."
"I know," he agrees without breaking our stare down.
"I told you I didn't want the money. You made an idiot out of me." The more I say, the more my pulse turns to rapids in my veins. "Pine Hill would've never looked my way if it wasn't for your bribe," my voice rises. I snap my mouth shut, not wanting to cause a scene. All the hurt and humiliation comes flooding back and is magnified by the events of the last three months.
A hand lands on my thigh, and Den silently wills me to tell them—confide in Lilly and Rhys about King. I should, yet I can't. I shake my head, and she glowers at me disapprovingly.
"Wes." Rhys directs my focus back to him. When he has it, he leans with his forearms on the table and continues, "I made a mistake. I was selfish, and I want to make it up to you. Tell me what you need from me, man."
He sucks in his cheeks. I glance over at Lilly, who is chewing on her lip.
Picking up my mug, I take a big gulp of my cocoa, my throat suddenly feeling drier than Kai's latest conquest—his words, not mine.