Even with the human females here, they were warned about our pheromones. They caused the body to produce oxytocin, a hormone common to many species in our galaxy, and it could be easily mistaken for love.
This would be my first time sharing my entire rut with one female. Clara. The only female who would matter from now until the day I ceased to live. It would also be the first rut I’d spent in a nest.
I turned on the small construction lights and set the power so that they lit my den dimly. The females had called themfairy lightswhen we’d used them to decorate for the holiday they called Christmas. The others seemed to enjoy them very much, and I hoped Clara would too.
There was a small kitchen area so I could cook for my mate. During a rut, my body no longer felt hunger. We did not eat and could only sleep for an hour or so after our lust was sated, but our females still needed sustenance. The cold box was stocked with enough easy-to-make food to last Clara until the end of the rut.
There was an area for our personal business, and if we wanted to go for a dip in the hot springs to clean up, there was one just around the corner from the cave entrance. It was one of the reasons I’d chosen this location.
In the middle of our nest was the mating bed, piled high with pillows and furs. The new sheets were satiny and fresh and felt luxurious on the skin. Just touching them cooled the urgent heat for a second.
Sheer fabric with threads of silver and gold woven into it hung from the cave walls, softening the hard look of rock and metal. Piles of gems from the nearby deposit decorated the room; the largest gems were the size of my fists. Smaller stones were strung up around the lights, which reflected off them in many beautiful colors.
The gems were the only things of true value here. Any female on Kadri would take one look at this nest and scoff. But Clara wasn’t from Kadri. Perhaps this, combined with my prowess at pleasing her, would be enough.
There was one thing missing: the food replicator, in case we didn’t want to cook—and for her precious coffee. I’d learned already that my Clara did not function well before her morning cup.
I had wanted to bring my weapons as well, as those had high value, but the mated males had convinced me not to. They’d assured me that adding my weapons to the nest would not help me to woo my female, despite their worth.
I jumped down off the ledge into the air, spreading my wings as I fell. I scanned the area, looking for something, but what? A fight? The rut was closer than I’d thought. My skin crawled with the inexplicable need, and I couldn't think straight at all.
Landing in front of my stronghold, I pushed through the guards in front and stomped toward my quarters, but before I could get there, I smelled Clara in the air.
Fuck the replicator. I needed her now. The nest would have to do.
I went in search of my mate, my skin crawling with need and a scowl on my face. I hoped she didn't frighten easily. I bet I looked terrifying right now, but I couldn't calm down, no matter how hard I tried.
I stalked through the hallways of the complex, first checking the female living quarters and recreational room. Not seeing her there, I headed over to the common areas. I finally found her outside in the valley with a group of other females.
They sat on benches as they watched a group of my soldiers training. One of the females had a display pad open with a language lesson. I knew many of the females were trying to learn our written language. The devices they'd been given on their way here only provided verbal translations of our and the Vokiren languages, and many of the females wanted to learn and read from our ship’s archives.
We were lucky enough to have brought along much of our culture. We might never see Kadri again, but we had the vast knowledge of many who had come before us hidden away in our ships and ready to be displayed to anyone willing to learn.
Several of the females watched my soldiers intently, practically drooling over their perfect movements and physiques. Clara spoke to her friend, a radiant smile on her face. She looked truly relaxed and content. It was the first time I’d seen her like this, and my heart filled with joy at the thought that she was happy here.
This was my mate. This smiling, happy female sitting with her friends in the middle of my stronghold, protected by my army, was my mate. How had I gotten so lucky?
The joy didn't last. The irritation returned moments later when one of my males, Drnak, joined the group. Drnak had always been aggressive with the females, both back home on Kadri and ever since we’d welcomed the humans into our stronghold. Unlike some of us, he claimed he wasn't looking for a mate but rather more females to warm his bed and add to his ever-growing list. I wondered if that was just a front so he wouldn't be disappointed when the females left afterward.
He sat down right next to my mate, then red filled my vision as he reached his arm up in an exaggerated motion and wrapped it around Clara’s shoulders.
I let out a low growl and stomped toward the group sitting on the other side of the training field.
“I'm not interested,” Clara said, leaning away from him. “I’m supposed to be already mated.”
“I don't recognize you. You must be new here. That means whoever claimed you as his mate never brought you up to his aerie. By the rules, you're still fair game. Maybe you'd like to see what other Kadrixan males have to offer before you tie yourself down to just one.” He flexed the bicep that wasn't resting on my Clara's shoulder.
Clara looked around anxiously, still leaning away from him. Our eyes met, and I saw relief in them until she realized my state.
Drnak leaned a little bit closer, not noticing as I crossed the much-too-long field. Then, his gaze changed, looking more feral and needy. I knew what was happening; his rut was starting. “You do smell exquisite,” he growled at her.
Clara stood, pushing him away ineffectively. “I said I’m not interested.”
The females around her were on alert now. The few who had spent ruts with us before looked ready to step in, while the others were frightened and confused.
“Maybe you’re the one,” the warrior said, not hearing her words or even noticing the tension around them. He had one thought now, and it was directed toward Clara.
My Clara.