The colors played over the sky, slowly disappearing into the horizon as night replaced dusk. The two moons of Vokira shone overhead, one big and orange, the other small and white. I buried my face into Clara’s hair, inhaling her scent, trying to commit it to my memory. Her breathing had slowed, and I realized she’d nodded off to sleep in my arms. She must feel safe with me, and that made me happier than I’d ever thought possible.

Once, a younger version of me had believed that my joy could only come from climbing the ranks of the Kadri military. How wrong I’d been. No number of war medals or conquests could have prepared me for what I felt now.

I took a few deep breaths, letting the crisp mountain air dilute Clara’s scent.

Younger Krxare would have been devastated at being exiled. It would have been the end of his life as he knew it. Not only would he have lost his entire nest—the one he’d built with so much hubris, filling it with useless trinkets bought only to impress—but he would have also lost his precious rank.

Rank meant so much in Kadri, and it had meant everything to me.

To think that I had to lose it all and come to a barely-civilized planet to find a shred of happiness. Life hadn’t turned out the way I’d thought or wanted, but somehow, it was enough.

The sound of my laugh carried on the wind. In my arms, Clara stirred. She turned to look at me, her eyes not focusing well in the dark.

“Let’s get back inside.” I gathered her into my arms and started back to my quarters.

Chapter 12: Clara

“I know you want to be independent and all, but we’re family. I have enough in my savings and could’ve helped until your contract was up. Then you could’ve moved in with Mark and me.” Chris’s voice sounded calmer than I’d thought it would over the phone. “Next time, come to me for help.”

I sighed. He was right. I should’ve spoken up.

I’d known Chris had money saved in his account, but I also knew he was saving it for a good reason, which was why he and Mark shared a teeny tiny bachelor pad. For their privacy, they’d carved out two closet-sized rooms, just big enough for their beds. Adding one more person in would be extremely cramped. The only other space left was the kitchen area. I’d need to sleep on the kitchen floor under the table.

But, as he said, we were family.

“And brat?” Chris continued.

“What?” I’d gotten used to the endearment over the years. He hadn’t stopped calling me that since we were kids.

“When you get home, whatever debt they put onto your account, I’ll help you with it. Call me again right before you come back. I’ll meet you at the processing center. You can stay with Mark and me indefinitely.”


“No buts. If you’re worried about Mark being upset, he’s right here nodding his head.”

In the background, Mark’s voice called out, “Hey, brat!”

I cracked a smile. “Hey, loser.”

“No contact is showing from this call,” Chris said. “That’s strange.”

“I’m calling from a Kadrixan device. It’s supposed to leave no trace.”

“How do I contact you?”

I glanced quickly over at Krxare, who waited for me by the door. “I don’t think you can.”

“Then just call me again before you return to the colony, okay?”

“Okay, deal.”

“I gotta go. I’m going to be late for work at this rate.”

“Go then. I love you, asshole.”

“I love you too, brat.”

We hung up, and I turned to face a confused-looking Krxare. His brow was furrowed all the way to the spot where his horns sprouted from his head, and his head was tilted quizzically. It looked almost adorable.