I stayed curled in his arms, both physically satisfied and emotionally confused at what had just happened. Even though our little game hadn’t been witnessed by anyone, except for maybe the cute gray cooki in the corner, I was happy to hide in the shelter of his arms.

Chapter 11: Krxare

“Where are we going?” Clara asked.

“I thought you might like an after-dinner walk to get some fresh mountain air.” I took her tiny hand in mine as we walked.

“That sounds great. I haven’t been out in nature since I was a kid. Fresh air sounds perfect.”

I needed air. I needed air and a plunge in ice water. At this rate, I’d take my sexy Clara right here in the hallway instead of waiting to bring her up to my aerie. I wanted to do things right, romance her the way humans did: slowly, over the course of severaldates.

I’d researched her culture and found that they spent months, sometimes years, dating before deciding to join together. It took them that long to find out if they were compatible. Unlike Kadrixan courtship, which was fast and passionate, some humans dated for years.

I didn’t have years to wait; I didn’t have months or even weeks, so I had to make the time I had count. I didn’t want her to think of me as aone-night stand—another term I’d learned about in my research. She was anything but that. I wanted her forever.

I also wanted my mate now. Kadrixan males were given the length of a rut to convince their mate to stay with them. Some joined with a female during the rut and came out mated. Others flew their chosen female to the nest hoping for a mating bond, only to come out disappointed.

The punishment for attempting to force a mate bond in a nest and failing was severe for those in Kadri. Nests could only be used once, for one female. Rejected males were required to abandon their nests and everything they’d collected in them. If they wished to try again with another female, they’d need to start over, building a new nest.

For this reason, most males only attempted the mating flight to the nest if they’d already felt the beginnings of the bond. Usually, it meant it was the right female and she would stay. It didn’t stop those without the bond from trying, however, especially if they’d already searched for years for a mate and never found one.

Vostak had once attempted to convince a female to join with him. Despite his high rank as a captain in the Kadri fleet and his very impressive nest—he’d spent much of his earnings on it—the female had rejected him. He’d been following his eyes instead of his heart, choosing the most beautiful female he knew. There had been no bond between them, but he’d hoped to force one through the rut.

Here, with empty nests, abandoning them wasn’t a significant deterrent. Because of this, we’d instated new rules on this planet. Ruts were spent in the stronghold, and only those who experienced the start of the bond could fly their female to their nest.

Still, Vostak refused to choose a nesting site. He claimed he had other things to focus on, like the welfare of the stronghold.

Clara and I were quiet through most of our walk, but I didn’t mind. I enjoyed having her around. Her presence made everything else about the mountains that much more beautiful. Even the light breeze blowing in from the ocean was fresher.

The hike up to the summit was easy here, with several switchbacks to make the slopes more manageable, even with Clara’s shorter legs. She huffed lightly next to me, but when I turned to her, she was smiling, and her cheeks were flushed. I slowed down, realizing she had to take more steps for every one of mine.

At the top, I leaned against a boulder and pulled her slightly panting body between my legs.

“I’m sorry, little treasure. I will walk slower next time.” I turned her so she faced the gorgeous valley.

“It’s okay. I’m just a bit out of shape.” She leaned against me, her buttocks round and full against my thigh. “Oooh. It’s beautiful.”

“It is,” I agreed. “But not as beautiful as you.”

I leaned in to inhale her scent. She was slightly sweaty from our trek, and her alluring scent filled my head. Kadrixans did not have the hypersensitive sense of smell some other species in the galaxy had, but it was good enough, especially when my mate was standing so close we practically overlapped.

I’d come here for air, but all I was getting was more of her. I gritted my teeth, lamenting the fact that my nest was not yet finished. If it were, I’d carry her there right now and claim her. Instead, I had to be satisfied with her closeness and the gorgeous view.

If she was bothered by my half-hard cock constantly pressing against her buttock, she didn’t show it. She ignored it instead, and I was grateful. Fucking her now would bring on the rut early. Perhaps she understood that I was trying my best to keep the heat at bay.

“Dad would’ve loved this place,” she said. “He took us out camping once, when it was still allowed. I hated it at the time because I knew it was too hot. But looking back now, I see how happy he and Mom were when they were out in nature.”

“Your file said your parents were farmers. Didn’t they have access to nature?”

“Not farmers, food production laborers,” she said. “Farmers own the land they farm. There are no farmers in Nova Vita, only laborers who work the fields owned by AgriCorp, then return to their bare-bone homes in the colony when their shifts end.”

I had not known of this distinction.

“I wish I could share this place with them.” She was silent after that, leaning her head on my chest as she looked over the valley.

We sat with each other, my arms wrapped around her protectively and my wings half unfolded to block out the chill of the wind. The sunset over the valley was as beautiful as it always was, with the colors layered over each other, blending seamlessly. It was a magical moment made even better with my mate’s presence.

The only sounds were our breathing and the beating of our hearts.