She shot me an irritated glance. ‘Even I can do things for the right reason from time to time. Stuff your invoice.’
‘It’s hard to take you seriously if you don’t swear. Only adults with kids say things like “fudge” when they mean “fuck”.’
‘Swearing is a sign of a small mind.’
‘Actually, I think it’s scientifically proven that if you swear more you’re likely to be more intelligent.’ That may or may not be true; I was talking out of my ass. I didn’t have a potty mouth like Reynard’s – my mum always threatened to wash my mouth out with soap and water if I swore – so certain swearwords hadn’t made it into my vocabulary for daily use.
‘Fuck you,’ Amber spat out.
I brightened. ‘That’s the spirit!’
Then I sobered; we didn’t have time for jolly japes and joking. ‘Another child has been taken, a four-year-old dryad. Her mum is here. I expect she’ll have something important to the child with her. I know I’m asking a lot, but do you think you could scry for her?’
Amber let out a soft breath. ‘You always wait until I’m exhausted to ask the impossible. We both know the scry is going to fail.’
‘We have to try.’
Amber ran a hand through her long red hair. ‘Yes.’ She sighed. ‘We have to try.’
‘The mum’s name is Joyce. Ask one of the pack to show you to her room.’ The porcelain bowl that Amber had used to scry last time was still sitting empty on a side table. She picked it up as she headed wearily to the door.
‘Amber,’ I called out. She turned back to face me. ‘I do appreciate it, honestly.’
Some of the hard lines on her face softened, ‘I know.’ She hesitated. ‘There’s a witch involved in all of this. If she’s local, she’s from my coven so I must know her and trust her. I’ve been checking whether any of my witches have been absent more than usual, but so far nothing has come up. We’ve had a bad press recently, what with Sky and Amelia Jane’s deaths. I could do with some good press.’
‘If you can help me find these kids, or find the witch involved, I’ll shout your praises from the top of any mountain you choose. But why do you think so many witches are subverted?’
‘Greed and power are both powerful motivators. The Connection limits the type of magic that we’re allowed to practice. Anything not on the “white” list is termed “black magic” and outlawed. Not everyone likes toeing the line.’
‘And you?’
‘If I want to be the next symposium member, I don’t just need to toe the line, I need to worship it. Trust me, if I find the witch in question, I’ll make sure she is dealt with to the full extent of our law,’ Amber promised grimly. She clutched the porcelain bowl and stalked out of the room, leaving me alone with Reynard.
I sat gently on the sofa at his feet. ‘God, I hope she’s right. You’d better pull through, Reynard, or I’m going to feel sick with guilt at the thought that I pulled you into this mess.’
‘One might even think you care about me, my little bitey pup.’ Reynard’s golden eyes opened and he winked at me.
I gasped with shock. ‘How long have you been awake?’
‘The whole time. Like the witchy bitch said, gargoyles heal fast like you lot do.’ He gave me a meaningful glance.
‘Why are you looking at me funny?’
He grinned. ‘One day you’ll know.’
‘Can that day be now? It’s late, I’m tired and I’ve had my fill of BS for the day. Tell me whatever you’re hinting at.’
‘No can do, wolfie darling.’
‘I hate this bloody realm,’ I huffed.
‘No you don’t, lovey, you just don’t love the secrets. But that’s part of its charm. Eventually you’ll grow to love the cloak and dagger until you can’t imagine talking straight.’
‘At least my wolf talks straight,’ I muttered, thinking of Esme’s no-nonsense approach.
‘Does she? Do you think she doesn’t have secrets from you?’
‘Of course she doesn’t?’ I hated that it came out as a question.