‘For what?’ He asked.
‘For following my lead, even when you think I’m leading you into danger.’
He gave me a wide grin. ‘I’ll follow you into hell, sweetheart.’ He gave me a wry look, ‘and tomorrow I may well be doing just that. I’m not feeling warm and fuzzy about visiting the ogres in the morning.’
I nibbled on my thumb. Honestly? I was feeling nervous, too. Greg reached out a gentle hand and pulled my thumb from my mouth. ‘You always do that when you feel nervous or you’re thinking something through. It’s cute, but I can think of much better uses for that mouth.’
Yet again I felt myself blush as I thought of several of them. However, I managed to glare. ‘You’re blowing hot and cold faster than the car heater.’ I complained. ‘You’re confusing the heck out of me.’
‘And Esme?’
‘Esme is never confused,’ I admitted ‘She always has a view on what's best to do and where’s best to go.’
He stepped closer. The scent of him was intoxicating, and Esme was purring in my mind. ‘And what does Esme think about me?’
‘She thinks you’re swell.’ I blurted out.Swell? Who the hell says swell these days?
Esme laughed.Your mating dance is complex but very amusing.
Well, good. I live to amuse you.
As you should.
Greg tilted my chin towards him, forcing my eyes to make eye contact. ‘Stop talking to Esme right this second, and talk to me instead.’ He closed the distance between us and his eyes focused on my lips
I’d been thinking about our first kiss ever since it happened and finally,finally, I was getting a repeat. He leaned towards me slowly, giving me plenty of time to object. I tilted my mouth towards him and my eyes closed. Anticipation was running through me, and it was all I could do to stay in one place and let him slowly close the distance between us.
The front door to the mansion slammed open, and Greg drew back like I was on fire. I levelled my harshest glare at the interlopers: Archie and Thea. Archie was swaying a little, clearly intoxicated, which is no mean feat for a werewolf. He must have been trying to get his drink on.
‘Oh!’ said Thea, eyes wide. ‘Sorry, alpha, we didn’t mean to interrupt.’
Archie grinned. I glared a little harder; if anything, his grin intensified. ‘You’ve been drinking Archie?’
‘Yes, sir. Alpha. Ma’am!’
‘Good. Just checking you haven’t been drugged.’
‘Not this time,’ he said cheerfully. ‘Sorry we interrupted – whatever this was.’
‘You didn’t interrupt anything,’ I said firmly. Frustratingly, Greg and I hadn’t quite got to the anything part.
Greg stepped away from me, and something like hurt flashed across his face. It was gone in an instant, and I would have missed it if I’d blinked. ‘No?’ he said coolly. ‘Then goodnight, alpha.’ He laid great emphasis on my title and entered the mansion without looking back at me.
Dammit. I hadn’t meant that our almost-kiss didn’t mean something to me, but I didn’t want the whole werewolf pack involved in any potential dalliance we might have. Talk about hot and cold; I’d accidentally flipped the switch to downright glacial.
He'll come around,Esme said confidently.
Should I go after him?
We only chase prey,shesaid firmly.Let’s shower and go to bed.
I agreed silently. I gave Archie and Thea a nod. ‘Night.’
‘Sleep well, alpha,’ Archie called.
Doubtful. By the time I got up to my bedroom, Jess had sent me an email with the results on her search on Alessandro. My heart was hurting and my brain was feeling fuzzy so I set it aside to read tomorrow. I sent her a text to say thanks.
No worries, Luce. I’m going off-line for a day or two, so don’t panic if you can’t reach me. Xx