He pulled back slightly and tilted my chin so I was forced to meet his brilliant blue eyes. ‘It’s not your fault. Do you understand?’
I nodded and swallowed past the rock in my throat, then blinked away sudden hot tears. Dead bodies were not my forte; numbers were. I was shit at this. It was too raw, so I pulled at some humour to save me. ‘Have you been watchingGood Will Huntingagain?’
Greg ignored my comment as he read the insecurity on my face. ‘You’re a great alpha,’ he reassured me.
I needed to practise my poker face. I shook my head. ‘Bobby is missing and poor Rob is the second dead body dumped here in as many days.’
‘Rob was dumped on the third day.’ Greg pointed out helpfully.
I glared. ‘Don’t be pedantic. You know what I mean. This is a shit show.’
‘We’ll find Bobby – or the Connection will.’ Greg reassured me.
‘Yeah. You’re right.’ I wondered how Steve Marley’s investigation was going. I’d have to check in with him. Maybe he’d have some leads I could use.
Greg pulled me into a hug again and this time the air crackled with tension. What wouldn’t I have traded to give in to it? Reluctantly I stepped back and cleared my throat. Now wasn’t the time. Would it ever be?
‘Anyway, Rob has got me thinking about the black tourneys…We haven’t heard anything about the fallout from the werewolf council. Did the Red Guard not do anything with the blackmail material we gave them?’
‘I’m not exactly chummy with Voltaire but, at a guess, I’d say they’re waiting for the opportune moment to strike.’
‘To do what?’
‘To cause maximum chaos. They’re vampyrs. Immortality means they can play the long game.’
‘That’s not what I wanted.’ I huffed. ‘Dammit, I should have kept a copy of the blackmail material.’
‘Now that you mention it… When I dug it up, Imayhave pierced the plastic bag with my claws and one of the USBsmayhave fallen out.’
I grinned at him. ‘Tell me you’ve got the information!’
‘Not exactly,’ Greg conceded. ‘But almost. I went back another night and retrieved the USB. It was encrypted, so I couldn’t get in.’
‘Mark had a password on it and I couldn’t open the file.’
‘Did you try “password”? Mark wasn’t very bright.’
‘I did. And I even asked Cassie the name of his first pet and his mother’s maiden name, but no dice. Last week I couriered it to Fitz for him to open.’
‘Not exactly. He’s gone off grid like he does occasionally. But when he’s back, he’ll pick it up. That’s why I didn’t mention it before. I haven’t really got anything to report.’
‘It’s not nothing.’
‘Maybe not, but it’s not something.’
‘Hopefully Fritz will get to it soon.’ I suddenly felt more optimistic. This information could give me an ace in the hole if the werewolf council came knocking.
‘I’ll let you know when I hear from him,’ Greg said. ‘I should go and make sure they’re digging deep enough. I’ll get Mrs Dawes to bring you a brew. Why don’t you try and relax?’
‘Because we have a missing pup and a dead body we’re currently burying in our gardens?’
‘Welcome to the Other realm – life is never boring.’
‘Just deadly,’ I commented drily. ‘Especially for poor Rob Jones.’