Page 23 of Vampire you Hate

She slapped some bills in Brando’s hand, who counted under his breath and sneered. “You are short.”

“He will get the rest to you soon. I will make sure of it.”

She sidestepped. The man mirrored her movements. Edmund scaled a low building and crouched, revving to pounce, but instinct told him to hold back just a little longer. His body warred and yelled when the man grabbed her arm and dragged her back—and then Alexa was a blur leaping through the air and grunting as she took the man’s arm with her, twisting it up with a sickening crunch. Brando howled, then bit his tongue, looking around with a glimmer of fear that they might be heard.

“Will you promise me that you won’t touch me again and leave us alone if I promise Vito will pay the rest this week and I will fix your arm?”

Sweat poured down Brando’s forehead, and an impending argument rang in the atmosphere. Then the big, bulky man nodded reluctantly and gritted his teeth when she twisted her body and his arm, popping the socket back in place. Brando staggered. Alexa was already walking away.

“Thank you!” she called out. “This week!”

Edmund reeled from the experience of watching her bravery come into play, then tailed her at a safe distance to ensure that Brando wouldn’t come after her. When the man didn’t, he followed faster and cut through her forest path, jumping on a tree and landing in front of her. Claws and fur skated out and paused when recognition blazed.

“Now who is stalking who?” she demanded.

He sniffed. “I wasn’t stalking. I was following you and watching how you would handle that. I didn’t think you would appreciate me interfering. Unless I’m wrong.”

“You are not wrong. I can handle stuff like that.” She sniffed, too. “And my nephew can be an idiot.”

“I’m assuming that Brando guy doesn’t belong to any clan?”

“No. He flies solo. He can be reckless, but I’m sure I managed to put some sense into him tonight.”

“I see. How many times did you have to handle stuff like that?”

“Not at an alarming rate. Shifters clans are used to rivalries. I’m sure the same can be said about you guys.”


Silence reigned as they scanned each other. He cleared his throat.

“You did well for a first painting in years. Rest assured that I will find a suitable buyer and you will get your money’s worth.”

“Thank you.” Gray orbs sharpened. “You had a long day.”


“And it’s ridiculous of you to follow me when the sun’s still up and you only have that coat and puny hat to protect you.”

“Don’t forget the sunglasses,” he said.

“And the sunglasses.”

“I am properly reprimanded, then. Thank you for your concern, and I will take note of it.” Her lips quirked as if she was holding back laughter. He wanted to hear her laugh, wanted her to stop thinking about Brando and her nephew. But he refrained from saying it. “Well, then. I guess my attempt at a heroic act isn’t for today. I should let you get to your tasks.”

There was a long pause.

“My aunt’s babysitting tonight,” she said slowly. “Well, she’s the clan aunt and loves children and she won’t mind if I go out. She’s been nagging me to do it, anyway.”

“What are you getting at?”

“Do you want to get a drink with me? My treat. You look like you could use it.”

The invitation caught him off guard—but even more so was his unwavering response.

“That sounds lovely.”

“He wants me to woo a teenager until she’s legal.”