Page 51 of Breaking Blaze

Sally snorted. “I know he’s being an ass—which isn’t new for him—but that man cares about you. AJ says Blaze has got some shit going on, and he’d basically punishing himself by staying away from you.”

That made Anna’s heart wrench. “What does that mean? What did he do that needs punishing?” Besides take my virginity and disappear. Then again, if he truly thought of Anna as just another fuck buddy, why go through the hiding and self-flagellation? Why hadn’t he just hopped into another bed? Why hole up in his office?

Something wasn’t adding up.

And now you want to know. You’re going to his office, aren’t you?

Damn her curiosity…and her unrequited love. And her lack of self-preservation.

“You think I should go to his office and confront him?” Anna asked tentatively, her fears and concerns at war with one another. Sure, he could lock her out, but at least she’d have done every last thing she could to get answers. To bring some semblance of closure to a once beautiful experience.

“I think you and he need to have a heart to heart. I think there are things that need to be said, the air needs to be cleared and, if after all that, you still haven’t gotten the answers you want, you’ll know what to do.”

Sally made too much damn sense.

Anna heaved a sigh. “Fine. But once I get back, I’ll need SoCo, Coke, and Dean Winchester.”

Snickering, Sally nodded. “Nothing better than too sweet booze and bad boy demon slayers.”

Grabbing her purse and car keys, Anna was out the door. It took less than ten minutes to get to the small bungalow that acted as the headquarters of Harris Construction. In the dark, the shadows clung to the soft blue exterior, cradling the building as if it were a mewling baby. Blaze’s truck was in the small parking lot, right next to a familiar car she couldn’t place. No matter.

Anna sucked in a steadying breath. He was there, and she was going to get some answers dammit!

Striding to the door, she noticed that only one window was lit up. The main office where she knew Blaze’s desk was. He was either working, wallowing, or both.

That makes two of us, Anna’s inner bitch sneered.

Not bothering to knock, Anna tugged the screen open and pushed down on the door latch. It gave, the door silently swinging inward. Her body trembling, it took a few moments to make her feet do what her brain told them to do, but after a count of twenty, she stepped over the threshold and onto the hardwood flooring that spanned the entirety of the small, remodeled office.

Anna peeked her head around the door toward where she knew Blaze’s desk would be.

There was Blaze behind his desk.

And there was Brigit, sitting on his desk, leaning toward him, her mouth pressed against his.