Page 37 of Breaking Blaze

The parking lot of Teo’s Fine Italian Restaurant was packed. Cars lined the medium sized lot, which made maneuvering Blaze’s large truck a delicate procedure. Of course, though, the man had no problem handling something large, hard, and revved to the max. Parking, Blaze turned to Anna, his smile lethal.

“You stay right there, baby. I’m doing this right,” he said, just before opening his door and jumping down to slam the door behind him. Anna watched as he strode around the hood of the car to her door, opening it for her and holding out a large hand.

“My lady,” he drawled, smirking.

She couldn’t help it; she giggled, her skin warming with a blush. Lord, she was a ninny. It didn’t help, though, that she wasn’t an experienced dater or that the man she was on a date with made her blush all the damn time anyway.

“My, aren’t you chivalrous,” she remarked, grinning. She slipped her hand into his and gasped at the lightning that forked through her blood.

His eyes snapping wide, Blaze grunted, shaking his head. “Damn,” he groaned. “Wonder if it’ll feel like that all over.”

It didn’t take a genius to realize he meant…when he had her naked and under his hands later.

One hand took hers and the other wrapped around her waist, Blaze pulled her from the truck and into his chest. He held her there, pressed together like two halves of a sex sandwich. Slowly, like molasses in winter, he loosened his hold on her waist, allowing her to slide down his large, powerful, hard body until her feet touched the ground.

Anna did her best to ignore the bulge in his pants as she shimmied past it, her pussy then her belly grinding against it on the way down.

She groaned, her legs wobbling.

“Blaze,” she huffed, slightly annoyed at how easy it was for him to turn her into goop. “Stop that or I won’t get my date.”

He raised a golden eyebrow. “Stop what? I was only helping my lady from her big, hard ride.”

Without giving her time to react to his wicked response, Blaze took her hand, twined their fingers together, and led her across the parking lot to the doors which were opened by a young man wearing dress slacks, white shirt, and black vest. He smiled wide and gestured for them to enter.

At the hostess stand, Anna tried removing her hand from Blazes, nervous and a little anxious about public displays of affection. It wasn’t like it was every day she was holding the hand of a man as sexy as Blaze, and she felt on display even if no one was really looking at her. But they did look at him.

Especially the hostess, whose elaborately made up face and bright green eyes flashed with recognition.

Ugh. Anna knew that look.

Blaze tensed beside her, his hand tightening around hers.

He and the hostess had fucked.

Jealousy and embarrassment mixed in her stomach, the sour of it rising to slither over her tongue. But she remained silent, not opening her mouth to let that sour escape. She wasn’t a naïve ingénue. She knew Blaze had screwed his way through Jackson Key, and she knew she’d probably run into someone he’d done the dirty with if she went out with him anywhere. But, like a heart-eyed dummy, she’d hoped it wouldn’t happen.

Hopes dashed at the starting line, Anna.

But he wanted her. Anna. Had claimed her as his. Simmering heat and a hell of a lot of pride seared through her veins. Refusing to let anything ruin what was to be the first of a lifetime of nights with the man she loved, she smiled at the hostess and pressed a hand against Blaze’s chest.

“Reservation for two under Harris,” Blaze said, his voice even.

The hostess grinned at him, fluttering her fake lashes and sticking her ample chest out. Dressed in a super tight, black wrap dress, the woman looked like sex sausage. She bent down to grab the menus beneath the stand, offering Blaze an eyeful of her rack. Anna fought the urge to roll her eyes. Obviously, Blaze had already seen her tits, and he’d walked away from her without looking back. Did the hostess think he’d jump her in the vestibule?

“It’s good to see you again, Blaze,” the woman husked, turning a faux demure smile on him. “What have you been up to?”

Anna did roll her eyes at that. Did the woman not see her standing right there?

Blaze grunted. “Working, spending time with my woman,” he replied, emphasizing that last bit, and dropping Anna’s hand to wrap his arm around her waist and pull her into his side. He looked down at her, his eyes pleading with her; ‘I’m sorry! Don’t cut off my dick’.

She smiled up at him, her hand on his chest rubbing him just over his heart. His answering smile was blinding. He understood—she was sticking with him. She was where she wanted to be, and no past one-night stand would make her leave him.

You sure about that?A niggling voice whispered in the back of her mind, but she quashed it.

The hostess finally looked at Anna, turning bright red as she finally realized Blaze was there on a date. The bitch. Clearing her throat, the hostess turned and led the way toward a booth in the corner. Without sparing the other woman a single glance, Blaze settled Anna into the booth seat then slid in next to her, his big hand grasping her bare knee.

“Your server this evening is Paul,” the hostess muttered before dropping the menus on the table and hurrying away as fast as her tight ass dress allowed.