Page 33 of Breaking Blaze

With a smirk, he knew Anna was reading those words and wondering if he meant for food or her.

Her. Always for her.

His office was situated on a back street that lead from the main drag through Jackson Key. It was within walking distance of three different restaurants, which he took advantage of whenever he was stuck doing paperwork in the office rather than overseeing the work on one of his several job sites in town.

Happy Jack’s was five blocks away, but as desperate as Blaze was to be with his woman, it took him five minutes to climb into his truck and speed through town to the well-loved building near Jackson Key Beach, the longest stretch of beach in Jackson Key.

When he jerked his truck to a stop outside the bar and grill, Anna was waiting outside for him, her arms crossed over her lush breasts, a scowl on her face. No doubt pissed at him for demanding rather than asking, but hell if that just wasn’t his nature. She’d have to get used to it.

Oh, she’s going to put up a fight, he thought, taking in the glimmer of defiance in her gorgeous eyes.

Good. He loved a fight, especially with his fiery Anna.

He jumped from the truck and stalked toward her, growling.

Her eyes widened, her lips parting, and he smirked wickedly. Oh, she knew what was coming.

Before she could utter a single word, Blaze captured her mouth, swallowing her protests. Wrapping his hands around her waist, he pulled her into the hardness of his body, his dick hard as steel, pressing into the softness of her belly.

Fuck. She was perfectly fitted to him. Two puzzle pieces made of flesh and blood and desire that were cut to fit together.

Their mouths, starving for one another, fused, their tongues and breaths mingling. His body throbbing for more, Blaze deepened the kiss, savoring her taste even as he ravished her mouth, taking, taking. His tongue slid in, rubbing against hers in a dance designed to turn her to jelly. Damn if all his ‘practice’ with other women wasn’t being put to good use. Unfortunately, she wouldn’t see it that way. Ignoring that thought and the shadow of guilt it brought, he doubled down, taking her mouth harder, deeper, not giving a shit if they were standing in the parking lot of his former ‘haunt’.

She moaned, her hands groping his chest and upward to wrap around his neck, her grasping fingers moving through his hair. He shuddered, his cock responded, growing impossibly harder. Still uncaring of where they were, he thrust his hips into her, groaning at the feel of her softness against his aching dick.

He needed her. Now. Fuck work. As his mind began calculations on how long it would take to get her back to his place—naked—the sound of a car door slamming, high heels clacking, and then a loud, obnoxious throat clearing intruded on his lust-filled haze.

Anna heard all that, too, and her response was to break the kiss and jump back, as though she’d done something wrong.

Fuck that. It was aaaall right. So damn right it hurt like hell. His hungry gaze on her, Blaze ignored the presence beside him, blatantly readjusting his hard, painful cock in his Carhartt canvas dungarees.

Anna’s face turned toward the person who’d broken their moment, her expression hardening, her beautiful eyes narrowing.

Turning to see what the hell had made his Anna unhappy, Blaze cursed.

“Brigit,” Blaze growled, quickly realizing the woman was only a step away, which was much too close considering he’d just been mouth fucking another woman. What the hell was the woman thinking? Stepping closer to Anna, Blaze wrapped his arm around her, squeezing her in an attempt to ease his woman’s tension. “What’re you doing here?” he asked, though he only cared what she was doing there, right there, where he and Anna were. Like a goddamn wart on his ass.

Brigit smiled, her made up face a glaring difference to the clean beauty of Anna’s. Anna, dressed in jeans and a loose t-shirt beneath her Happy Jack’s apron, still looked a thousand times sexier than Brigit did in her tight as hell black skirt, tit hugging blouse, and deep red heels. She looked ready to bend over a desk rather than work, though Blaze had no idea what the woman did for a living. Maybe she did desk bang on the job.

Didn’t matter to him, though. One and done. And completely regretting it.

“I’m stopping in to pick up an online order,” she explained, her gaze licking up Blaze’s body. His skin tight, he wished she’d get the hell out of there already. She tipped her head, her eyes glittering hungrily. “You busy for lunch? I wouldn’t mind sharing my food with you. We can go back to my office. It’s private, so we can take our time enjoying our…meal.” The obvious suggestion in her voice made Blaze cringe.

Hell, why had he slept with that woman? Hindsight was 20/20, sober, and repulsed.

“Nah,” he finally answered, his voice sharp. Was the woman blind and oblivious? “I’m having lunch with my girl.” The one standing right beside him. The one he’d been kissing the hell out of when she’d interrupted them. Damn.

At that, Brigit finally looked to his left—as if she hadn’t already seen Blaze and Anna kissing when she’d rode up, and actually walked the hell over to them.

“Oh,” Brigit clipped, planting a fake ass smile on her face, her lips flat and her nostrils flaring. “Hello there.”

Anna pursed her lips, crossing her arms and stiffening.

Shit. He needed to get them the hell out of there.

“Come on, baby, your lunch hour is ticking by and I haven’t fed you yet,” he drawled, reaching out to grab Anna by the neck, drawing her close to press a quick kiss to her mouth.

Anna melted into him and smiled, grinning up at him. “Good, because I’m starving.”

Ignoring the other woman who’d stopped smiling and starting glaring, Blaze dragged his woman toward his truck, determined to grab some fast food to make sure his woman was fed—but first, he was going to get his fill of her mouth and her moans. At least until their date that night…when he would devour all of her. For hours.