Not bothering to inform Sally she’d used the word ‘ass’ twice, Anna couldn’t help but laugh. It felt good to tell someone about what happened…and it had felt even better to have experienced it.
Blaze had actually kissed her last night. Her. Anna Cass with the big, fat ass! The chubby, awkward, plain Jane was kissed by the sexiest man God ever made.
He did so much more than that!
“Uh…that isn’t all.”
Another shriek.
“He…uh…made me come with his tongue and fingers—and then he claimedmeandtoldmewewereofficialandhewasgoingtotakemeouttonight!” Anna blurted, running all her words together in a rush, her air leaving her lungs in a whoosh. She sucked in loud breath and waited for the next shriek.
“Anna,” Sally’s voice finally returned to the line, this time, the excitement was gone and a subtle wariness weighed her words. “Are you sure this is what you want?”
Closing her eyes, Anna reflected on the events of the last eight years, culminating on last night’s revelations.
Was she sure? Blaze seemed to be. His actions, his words left no room for doubt—he was determined to make up for all the lost time. He’d claimed her and was rushing, headlong, into whatever it was he’d pictured for them. But in all that, Anna couldn’t help but notice the utter lack of explanation. Four years of manwhoring explained away as…what? She refused to believe that in all that time, with all those women—who were nothing like Anna, Blaze hadn’t felt something more than momentary pleasure…pleasure that should have been hers. He’d given himself to more women than Anna even knew…so what did that leave her? And…if…she and Blaze ever actually fell into bed together, if she handed him her virginity on a silver platter, would he…compare her to all those other women? Would he find her lacking? As a virgin, she had no experience with the actual physical part of sex. Certainly, Sally had made her watch enough Pornhub to know—in theory—what to do, but to actually do it? It was already bad enough she looked and acted nothing like the women Blaze had been with. While they were svelte, classy or sensual—sometimes both—and made up like models, she was average height, shaped like a butternut squash, and her idea of being “made up” was wearing nylons instead of ankle socks under her work slacks.
God…what am I even doing? Blaze is out of his mind—he’s confused, and I am so desperate for any piece of him, I’m actually considering becoming a notch on his bedpost.
Her heart thudding, a limping, dragging cadence inside her chest, she pressed a numb hand over it.
“Honestly, Sally…” Anna breathed. “I don’t know.”
But, oh…did she hope….
“Has he apologized for all that shit he said to AJ?”
And there was the question that had been gnawing at the back of her mind all night. She’d rerun the movie reel in her mind, going over all she could remember about what Blaze had said regarding his word vomit to AJ and…he hadn’t apologized. Unless he imagined that heart pounding orgasm he delivered with his wicked kisses and talented fingers was his wordless “I’m sorry.”
From Anna’s silence, Sally could no doubt ascertain her answer, as Sally usually did.
“Oh, honey….” At her friend’s gentle concern, tears sprang to Anna’s eyes. “I’ll come by tonight and we can have vodka for pre-dinner while I help you get ready for your date.”
Anna snorted, wiping furiously at the tears rimming her eyes.
“You mean have vodka with pre-dinner.”
“I said what I said, Anna-bae,” Sally chirped. “Lord knows you need a little loosening up to get through your first date with the guy you’ve been eye banging since you were seventeen.”
Laughter rose, lightening the heavy moment.
“God, I love you, Sallina,” Anna sighed, a soft smile playing at her lips. What would she do without her other best friend there to lift her up?
Sally hummed. “Of course, you do, dahling. And I love you, too. I’ll see you tonight—and I’ll bring the vodka. We don’t need to die from rot gut with that gasoline you have.”
Chuckling, Anna and Sally agreed on a time to meet up and made their goodbyes, but before Anna could put her phone down and undress for the shower she very much needed, it dinged, indicating a text.
Blaze: Good morning, baby. How did you sleep?
Stunned at the endearment, Anna’s heart thumped against her ribs. What the hell should she say back? She couldn’t ignore him—he’d demanded she answer his texts, and Anna could admit that she liked the bossy, alpha Blaze, especially when he turned all that sexy alphaness on her. Her nipples hardened, and that throbbing, aching place between her thighs dripped, turning her already damp panties into a sopping wet mess.
Her hands shaking, she gripping the phone tightly. Tapping out a response, she laughed at her cleverness and headed into the bathroom to start the water heating up for her shower.