Stiffening, Anna sat up, her hands rising to snatch at the top of her dress, pulling it up to cover her glorious breasts from his ravenous gaze. God…how fucking beautiful and delicious they were. He couldn’t wait until he could spend all night taking care of them, slowly and methodically kissing, sucking, and licking every millimeter of plump, milky flesh. He groaned.
“Come on, baby, let’s get off the floor.” With effort—because his goddamn balls were aching and his dick was harder than a steel bar in his jeans—he got to his feet before reaching down for Anna.
She swatted his hand away, her body shaking, her face turning red even as her eyes began to glisten.
“I don’t need your help, Blaze,” she snapped, curling her legs under her butt to get to her knees. Her dress still high up on her thighs showed the darkened fabric of her panties, panties he wanted to remove with his teeth to uncover the luscious, juicy haven he’d touched with his hand.
It took a moment for her expression and words to register.
Anna looked…mad.
“Anna?” He reached out again. She recoiled.
“You can go. I don’t need your pity fucks or your assistance,” she drawled dryly, her tone dripping with disdain…though her eyes were shaded with hurt.
“Anna, I am not leaving you on the floor. I am putting you to bed, then I am going home, getting in my own bed where I will jack off three or four times to try and empty my heavy as hell balls of the cum you made. Then, I will wake up tomorrow morning, text you with a time and place for our first date, and you will answer my texts and calls—all day—so I can reassure you as many times as you need that I am serious. That you are mine. And we are finally fucking doing this.”
Her eyes widened, her mouth dropping open. Color changed from angry red to shocked pink in a blink.
“What? I thought you couldn’t do this—this as in being with me,” she remarked, the hands holding her top up falling into her lap, revealing her lacy bra and swollen breasts once again. Keeping his eyes on her face took a substantial amount of effort but he did it because right then, she needed him focused.
Blaze squatted down to face her on level and smiled, reaching out to tuck wayward hair behind her ear.
“Anna, love, when I said ‘I can’t do this’ I meant I can’t fuck you on the floor like some one-night stand. When I finally get you beneath me, it will be in my bed when I have several hours—preferably 48, at least—to take my time showing you just how much you mean to me. I’ll use my hands…my tongue…my lips…and my long, fat, aching cock to give you more pleasure than you ever imagined possible.”
He watched as his words registered in her brain, her body trembling, her breath coming in sharp pants, and a lush blush warmed her skin. Fuck. He couldn’t wait to see that blush on her naked body.
Shaking himself, he leaned in and brushed his lips against hers. She gasped. He grinned. Oh, this was definitely the start of something fucking beautiful.
Standing, he waited for Anna to collect herself and rise to her feet before plopping down on the couch, a dazed look on her lovely face.
“You’re serious?” she finally asked, her voice breathy.
He nodded. “More serious than I’ve ever been in my life, Anna-love. Tonight, after eight years of denying both of us what we’ve wanted, I am officially claiming you as mine…and once you’re ready, I will make you mine, too.”
Anna shuddered, her gaze on his, her autumn eyes darkening.
Fuck yeah, she wants that, too.
Not that he’d stop even if she didn’t. If she fought him, he’d just double down, pursue her without rest, seduce her without mercy, and romance her until she did. Either way, he was making Anna Cass his forever, and no one was going to stop him.
Not even Anna.
Before she could gather her thoughts enough to speak—and probably to tell him what a bad idea it was, he pressed a quick kiss to her forehead and made his way to the front door.
He looked back once, just to get one last glance at the woman who owned every breath in his body. She was sitting there, staring after him, holding her breath. He grinned, unable to stop his joy from forming on his face.
As he stepped through the door, closing it softly behind him, he sucked in a deep, long, fortifying breath.
It was time to finally become the man he knew he could be. The man he needed to be. For Anna.
“Everything for her.”