Page 11 of Breaking Blaze

“I’m gonna kill him,” Sally growled.

Anna could feel her throat closing up, the sounds of distress getting caught before they could escape.

Blaze laughed—laughed—and answered, “Yeah. But…more like an emotional support animal. Like a faithful, loyal, eager Labrador Retriever just waiting for me to come home or call and give her some attention.”

Her breath shot from her chest as an invisible hand grabbed her and shook.

I’m a dog. To him…I am a dog. Not a woman. Not someone worthy of love, affection, attention….

“Fuck, Blaze. What the hell is wrong with you, man? Anna is more than that and you fucking know it. She’s been your best friend for eight damn years, and I don’t know how she’s dealt with your ass. And if what you say about her being in love with you is true, she’s had to deal with a fucking lot.”

“Whatever, man. You asked. I didn’t even want to talk about her. It’s a buzz kill,” Blaze sneered, making the blood in Anna’s skin race for her feet. She shuddered. This couldn’t be happening. She couldn’t really be hearing this…about herself…from the man she thought at least cared about her.

“You’re such an ass, Blaze. I know several guys on the crew who’ve asked about her. Maybe I’ll let them know she’s available—”

“Good fucking luck with that,” Blaze barked, making Anna and Sally jump.

“What the hell?”

Blaze’s deep, humorless chuckle filled Anna with a sickening thrill.

“Anna isn’t really…well…a woman,” Blaze remarked and AJ cursed. “She’s like this sexless lump that is perfectly happy watching everyone else get laid. She hasn’t even kissed anyone before, man.”

There’s a strained silence, then, “How can you even call yourself her friend? This isn’t how friends talk about or treat their friends, especially friends as loyal and kind as Anna.”

AJ’s praise did little to delete the surge of disbelief riddled with rage that curled up inside Anna, boiling over into her very breath.

Once again, Anna could picture Blaze smirking and shrugging, the arrogant asshole caring nothing for what AJ thought of him.

“I’m her friend because I’ve known her so long. We’re comfortable together. Who else is she going to turn to? I’m the best thing to ever happen to her.”

Sally dropped the cell onto the kitchen counter and hit the red button, ending the most painful ten minutes of Anna’s life.

Before Anna could blink, Sally’s arms were around her, holding her tight against her body. Just tight enough to keep Anna from collapsing to the floor.