Page 64 of Breaking Blaze

“I am looking at you. I always look at you, baby,” he insisted, allowing himself to take his sweet time loving her with his gaze. She was curvy, soft, perfect…and he knew beneath the baggy, worn clothes she was wearing was the body of an earth goddess, one he was honored to worship. He was in awe of her—inside and out. How could she not see that?

“I’m not delusional,” she began, a sharpness to her tone he didn’t like. “I know what I look like, that I am nothing like those women before me. I’ve never fooled myself into believing that I could ever compare, which is why I never said anything or even attempted to show you how I felt about you. I am too big, too plain, and totally unglamorous. So, what happens when we do this—I give you my heart and my body, we fall into this relationship and then, one day, you realize that I’m not what you really wanted. That I am too much thigh and belly and hips, and not enough sexual experience? What happens to me when you decide it’s time to go back to being White Hot Blaze?”

Struck. Stunned. Obliterated. Devastated.

She honestly believed that? That he would abandon her—her!—the woman he loved, the woman he couldn’t breathe without, for another woman? For the empty, ugly, nothing of a life he had before he’d made love to her? Before he’d claimed her?

“Fuck that,” he growled, stalking toward her, her mouth open in shock, her eyes wide. He cupped her face, pulling her toward him so she couldn’t move, couldn’t look away, couldn’t ignore the words he was about to say.

She shuddered, her luscious body shaking. But it wasn’t in fear. No…he could see the naked desire reflected in her bright hazel eyes, could see the lush pink blush coloring her cheeks and heating her blood. He could see and feel the rise and fall of her breasts as they lifted and pressed against his body with each rapid inhalation.

“Anna Mae Cass, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Those women I had before you, are nothing compared to you. They are surface, shallow, fake. You are the deepest, brightest, heart-aching sort of beautiful. Everything about you is gorgeous. Your face is made up of perfectly imperfect pieces. Your eyes stop my heart and restart it every time you smile. And, God, baby…your body…” He groaned, reaching down to cup her ass and squeeze, pressing his aching erection against her belly. She gasped then melted against him, the heat of her only making his need for her rise. If he didn’t get inside her soon, he’d fucking shatter. “I have never wanted a woman as much as I want you. You fit me, baby. Your softness to my hardness. Your curves to my angles. Your hot, velvet pussy and my thick, hard cock.

“We were meant for each other, baby. I will never, as long as I fucking breathe, want another woman. When it’s you and me, it’s forever. It’s what I’ve wanted since I first laid eyes on you, Anna Cass.”

Anna stared up at him, hope and longing in her gaze.

She smiled and his chest ached. “You mean that?”

He brushed his lips over her forehead.

“Forever and ever, baby.” He cupped her face again and kissed her nose, her eyes, gliding from lovely feature to lovely feature, slowly and gently, adoring every part of the face he loved. “I love you, Anna. I’ve always loved you. Even when I was being a whoring ass, I only loved you. I know that’s a shitty thing to say, but it’s the truth. From now until the day I take my last breath, I will prove to you that I love you—with my words, my lips…and my body. You have broken me, baby, and you are the only one who can make me whole.”

A small cry escaped, and Anna closed her eyes as two teardrops slid down her cheeks. A moment later, she opened them again, and his whole body blazed with fire.

There was love there. And forgiveness.

“Baby?” he whispered roughly. “Please let this mean what I think it means.”

“I want to try again. With you,” she breathed, the words strong.

Floored, Blaze could only blink down at her as the words circled his brain.

“You…you mean it? You’re gonna give me a second chance, baby?” he asked, hope and longing making his throat burn.

Her grin blinded him, his eyes tearing from the brilliance. From the beauty of the moment.

“I love you, Blaze. I always have. And if this is my chance to have you forever, I am going to take it.” She grasped his forearms and squeezed and the hands cupping her face drew her closer. “You and me, Blaze. That’s what I want.”

Desire flared through him, scorching his blood, pulsing through his nerves and into his cock. He growled.

“If that’s what you want, then that’s what you’ll get,” he rumbled, capturing her mouth to kiss her, his Anna Cass. The woman he loved. Body and soul.

Blaze raised his head to shout his joy into the ceiling

He bent to capture her mouth again but she stopped him with two fingers against his pursed lips.

“Does this mean I can stop packing?” she asked, a teasing fire in her gorgeous eyes.

“Fuck that. It means finish packing so you can move in with me.”

She coughed, obviously swallowing her shock.

“Are you serious?”

His smile grew until his jaw nearly cracked under the strain of his happiness. His joy.

“Yeah, baby. I can’t wait to start our life together. No more fears. Only love.”

Anna sighed, her precious face in the moment etched into his memories forever.

“Only love, Blaze,” she whispered, before he claimed her mouth…just as she’d claimed his heart.