Page 3 of Breaking Blaze

God, she’s beautiful, he sighed inwardly, his heart thudding painfully against his ribs as his gaze languished on the only sight he ever wanted to look upon.

Blaze Harris couldn’t tear his eyes away from her. Her. The woman he’d been watching nearly every night, in the same bar.

Long chestnut hair barely contained in a braid down her back, a braid that brushed against the top of her sexy as fuck peach-shaped ass. An ass that he wanted to kiss and bite, his hands, his mouth, his teeth adoring her, wringing moans and pleasure from her for hours until he sunk his cock into her sopping wet pussy.

His gaze glued to her, he watched her at the end of the bar, smiling as she chatted with a couple of dude-bros who looked like they’d just schlepped their sandy asses in from the beach without bothering to shower off the sea salt and tanning lotion. They flirted with her, but she didn’t take them up on their offer—much to his pleasure. Her smile—her real smile—was only ever for him. When she smiled for him, her plump, ripe lips pulled into a smirk that made his heart and his balls ache. Her upper lip slightly bigger than her lower one made him want to nibble on the bottom one until it swelled to match the upper. He’d fantasized about devouring her, taking her mouth and swallowing her moans as he finally tasted what should have been his all along. Her large, green-hazel eyes were bright and sparkling with humor, in a face to lovely it made his soul weep. The long, dark lashes swept against her cheek when she blinked, like feathers…or the wings of a butterfly. He longed to know what they would feel like brushing his chest as her eyelids fluttered against him in her sleep, they two curled together in his bed after a night of love making.

The sounds of the Friday night beach bar scene around him muted as she turned toward him, her smile growing, her eyes dancing. She winked at him and he winked back, making her toss her head back in a laugh so pure and bright, it made him weak. She raised a hand to grab the empty glass in front of her, drawing attention to the tight black t-shirt she wore that did nothing to hide the fact that she had the sweetest, most delectable pair of tits he’d ever seen.

Fuck. She was everything. The perfect package of beauty, light, laughter, life.

Like a goddamn lovesick puppy, he came, he saw, and he salivated, wishing he could just tell her how he felt. He ached for her. She was everything he ever wanted. But he couldn’t touch her. Couldn’t reveal his longing no matter how desperate he became. She was untouchable. So…he watched her, wanting her, trying to forget her. And she didn’t even notice. He’d become so good at hiding it, it was second nature. Smiling at her without showing the yearning and pain on his face. Sitting at the bar, clenching his fists in his pockets every time some asshole made a move on her, because he couldn’t claim her, no matter how loudly and viciously his heart and mind roared MINE!

As if she could hear him, she turned, her eyes wide, her lips parted in surprise. A luscious blush kissed her cheeks, her neck, the bits of chest he could see above her neck line. He groaned, his cock pulsing. Did her blush kiss her all over? Her breasts? Her belly? How far down did it go? If she was lying before him, gloriously naked and he parted her creamy, smooth thighs, would her pussy lips match the color of her cheeks?

Fuuuck. He couldn’t keep thinking about her like that. She wasn’t his, no matter how desperately he wanted her to be.

She moved toward him, her generous hips swaying seductively—though she had no idea. To her, she was just walking, but to him, she was seducing him with each step, like a pendulum swinging before his eyes, drawing him in, hypnotizing him. And he never wanted to come out of it.

Once she reached him so did her scent—strawberries and mint. A strange combination on its own, but mixed with her natural scent, the fragrance of sunshine and sea breeze, it was far more intoxicating than any drug…any drink.

“What’re you drinking?” she asked, her mischievous gaze dropping to his nearly empty tumbler, his fingers wrapped around it as if it owed him money. He loosened his hold, his fingertips and knuckles aching.

“Jack…but you know that,” he answered, smirking. It was his patented smirk, the one that got all the ladies to drop their panties and present their pussies like gifts to their god. But to her, it was just a teasing smile, one she was immune to. One she’d seen him flash to hundreds of women. Right there in that very same bar.

But none of them were her. And never would be. Because she was far too good, too beautiful, too pure for a man like him, a man who had a fucking “come and get it” smirk. That didn’t stop him from gazing upon her as though she were the moon in the sky over the ocean, or the sun kissing the horizon before the storm. It didn’t stop him from yearning, aching, desiring her with every molecule in his being—his heart, his soul, his blood and bone.

She topped him off, smiling as she watched the caramel liquid spill into his glass.

“I was thinking about something,” she murmured, her cheeks flushing.

Oh…this will be good. She only ever blushed when she was stepping out of her comfort zone.

“You know you can tell me anything, sweetness,” he offered, his heart doing a strange skip and a jump in his chest. Why, though?

She dipped her chin shyly, glancing up at him from under hooded eyelids, her lips seeming to swell before his eyes, as if he’d just kissed the fuck out of her.

“Um…would you…” she paused, swallowing, her slender, elegant neck drawing his gaze. What he wouldn’t give to feel the velvet softness of her flesh beneath the heat of his lips. “Would you kiss me?”

Startled, he sat back, blinking at her. Never in his life did he think she’d ask him that? Not after…. He did an internal shake to fling off those thoughts better off dead.

He cleared the lump from his throat, staring at her. “You mean like…kiss you, kiss you? On the mouth?” Lord, but he sounded like a cockless idiot.

She laughed, the merry sound going straight to his balls, via his thundering heart.

“Where else would you kiss me, you ass?” she remarked, her glittering eyes alight with humor and straight up happiness.

I would kiss you all over, from top to bottom. Slowly. Softly. My lips brushing against your heated skin. My tongue delving into your sacred hollows…I would lap at you like you were the sweetest most delicious treat I’ve ever tasted. Not a kiss. A buffet of sensations…pleasure…release.

His pants pulled tight over his groin, his dick growing hard and pressing against the inside of his zipper. It hurt like hell, but it was so worth it to be that close to her.

“A kiss on the lips?” he blurted, his mind running in circles as his blood ran molten. “Uh…why?” Goddamn him and his stupid mouth!

She raised her shoulders in a weak shrug.

“I just want you to…be my first….” She whispered, her voice raspy. All the sounds of the bar around them softened to utter silence, as though they were the only two people left on the east coast.

Her first? Fuck, that sounded like much more than just kissing.