Page 13 of Breaking Blaze

Sally would help, as would Shanna and Greg. Greg, especially, didn’t appreciate Blaze’s attitude in regard to women. As a gay man, he was a self-proclaimed feminist and would probably do whatever Anna asked him to do…even change her work schedule to days so she could work while Blaze worked.

Actually…that was a brilliant idea! It would free up her evenings so she could finally know what nights out felt like. Perhaps she’d let Sally set her up on a couple of dates.

She glanced at her friend who was staring blankly at the wall.

Anna’s plan in place, she emptied the bottle of wine she’d been nursing and swallowed.

“Shit. I think I’ve hit my limit, Anna-babe,” Sally murmured.

Anna tipped her heavy head to look at her friend who’d closed her eyes. Seconds later, a soft snore rumbled from Sally’s chest.

Sighing, Anna lifted the list once more to read it.

Could she do it? Could she really cut off the man she’d once dreamed of spending her life with?

“Anna isn’t really…well…a woman,” the painful echo of Blaze’s words tore through her, shredding the last pieces of the hope that had once held her together.

She sat up, her blood turning to lava, the years of giving and hoping and waiting and hurting coalescing into a boiling pool of determination.

He didn’t think she was a woman? Well, fuck him. She’d show him just how much he’d miss once this woman was long gone.

A hallow pit opened up in her gut and she moaned at the growing weight of her heart, a heart that would so easily be swallowed up once and for all. But she didn’t have a choice, right? Blaze wasn’t who she thought he was, hadn’t been for a long time. So where did that leave her?

Blaze: We good?

One day later….

Anna: We’re fine.

Blaze: Are we? It took a day to answer that and I haven’t seen you in days. You avoiding me?

Anna: Not avoiding you, Blaze. I have a life outside of you, ya know?

Blaze: …where did that come from?

Anna: Got to work.

The next day….

Blaze: Baby Girl, you home? It’s your night off, right?

Four hours later….

Anna: Sorry didn’t get this til now. Not working but hanging out with Sally.

Blaze: Where ya been? Why did it take so long to answer?

Anna: I was busy, Blaze.

Blaze: Busy doing what?

The next day….

Blaze: Hey, Anna-boo. Missing you. Want to hit Dan’s for dinner before your shift?

Anna: No shift tonight.

Blaze: Don’t you work nights?