Page 24 of Conrad

“We’re all new to the course,” Leander went on from there. “Even Lulu, though he’ll act like he’s been here forever. Everyone in our block is new to the course, so we’re all in the same classes.”

“The morning class was just ending when you came in,” Darius said. “Lulu was excused to do his service at the desk, of course, but as soon as we broke for lunch, Magister Titus caught us and informed us you’d arrived and that we should make certain you got where you needed to be.”

“And that Lucius didn’t throw you down a well,” Leander added with a laugh.

“That was nice of him,” I said, bending over to scrub my legs.

The twins tilted their heads to the side again as I did, which made me laugh.

“So you like fucking around with men?” I asked when I straightened, making a show of washing my balls and cock as I did.

“Yes,” the two of them answered in unison.

“And you do too, apparently,” Leander said.

There was absolutely no point in hiding it. “I do,” I said. And since I had the feeling it would only waste time to hold anything back from the two, I went on with, “I have a lover back home, Dushka, but he has told me I’m to have as much fun and fuck around as much as possible while I’m in the Old Realm taking this course.”

“The Old Realm?” Darius said, blinking at Leander.

I wanted to make a joke about how that was the thing out of everything I’d just said that he’d picked out to comment on.

“They still call the kingdom that on the frontier?” Leander asked me.

“They do,” I said, running the soap through my hair.

“Don’t use that one, use the green one,” Leander said, taking the cream-colored soap from me and putting it back on the shelf. Darius handed me the green bar as he did.

“What’s the difference?” I asked, lathering up the green soap, then running it through my hair.

The twins looked at each other again as if I were stupid.

“The green one is for hair,” Darius said.

“The cream one is for bodies,” Leander picked up exactly where he’d left off, like it was one sentence.

I shrugged and washed my hair. I didn’t see what the difference was.

Except that I did as soon as I was finished and Leander reached up to pull the cord for me as I rinsed the suds from my hair. The green soap was somehow softer, and it left my hair feeling silky. It smelled different too, which made me think of Anton and his secret love of things that smelled good. Anton had confessed that endearing quirk to me before the coronation when—

A sudden wave of homesickness hit me at the thought of Anton, of the coronation, and of how far away my friends were from me now. It took me by surprise and made me stutter a breath as the warm water spilled down on me. I was relieved to be able to tilt my face up to the sprinkles in order to hide the sudden emotion.

I was farther away from home and from the people I cared about than I’d ever been in my life. The Old Realm was a whole different world from the frontier. Its customs were strange, its people were different, and its architecture and advancements made everything about it as foreign as the moon to what I was used to.

“Come on.” Darius shook me out of my thoughts. Or maybe it was Leander. They’d moved when I had my eyes closed, and now I didn’t have the first clue which was which. “We need to get you dried off, dressed, and off to class.”

“We’re running short on time, so we’ll worry about books and other things later,” Leander said.

I yelped as the two of them came at me with towels, rubbing me hard to dry me. Both of them paid particular attention to my cock, balls, and ass as they dried me. It was enough to make me laugh out…which was probably the point. I had the feeling that the twins had noticed my moment of emotion and that they were trying to help me through it.

I liked them. They were brash, a little rude, and I suspected their attachment to each other was beyond normal sibling relations, perhaps even normal twin relations. That suspicion shocked me, but they didn’t give me time to worry about it.

They helped me climb into my clothes and do them up, then showed me how to take my own clothes to the trio of older women working in the laundry room next door. The women were kind and said they would return my clothes to me personally once they were clean. They evidently knew where I lived, since I didn’t have to tell them.

From there, Leander and Darius whisked me out of the bathhouse, and after a quick stop at our dormitory house so that they could grab sacks of books, we headed back to the main building.

“Today’s classes are in here, but different subjects are taught in different rooms,” Darius explained.

“It’s still the first week of the course, so we’ve mostly had lectures,” Leander said as we entered a large room that dipped down several yards to a small platform at the front.