Page 74 of Lost Track

“How many pies is that?”

“Thatis three. And these make five.” Max joined him. He’d been delayed in the parking garage due to a phone call he’d gotten when they’d arrived.

“Five pies?” she asked. “Why on earth would you make five pies?”

“Why?” Max asked, suddenly suspicious. “How many did you make?”

“I made three,” she said, voice soft.

“Eight pies,” Dave broke the stunned silence. “I’m not complaining.”

Max scoffed. “Of course you’re not complaining. You have the metabolism of a hummingbird.”

Sabine shrugged and stepped back to let them in. “Set them on the buffet.”

They entered the loft and Dave was enveloped by the smell of fresh baked goods.

They set their pies on the buffet amongst banana bread, pumpkin bread, and two other pies.

“I’m just waiting for my pecan to set and then I’m done with today’s baking.” Sabine returned to the kitchen. “Can I get anything for either of you?”

“Water would be great,” Dave said, joining her in the kitchen. “I can get it.” He touched the small of her back as he maneuvered around her. He opened the cupboard and grabbed a glass. “You want water, Max?”

“That would be lovely. Thank you, David.”

Dave frowned at Max over the top of Sabine’s head. “David?” he mouthed. Max smirked.

He filled both glasses in the fridge door and slid onto the stool next to Max at the island.

“You were right, this is a much better location for hosting a meal.” Max took a drink of water and looked around the kitchen and dining area. “Your condo would have fit us, but you don’t even have dishes yet. Or a table.”

“You don’t have dishes?” Sabine asked, putting on oven mitts.

Dave shrugged. “I left Texas with what I had on me. I haven’t really been back to see if…ah, it doesn’t matter.”

Sabine darted a look between Max and Dave but didn’t reply.

She opened the oven and removed what looked and smelled like a pecan pie. She set it on the cooling rack on the stovetop and removed the hot mitts.

“Maybe we should have discussed pies when we started planning this thing.” She turned worried eyes to the buffet where the other seven sat.

“I’m glad you didn’t. I promise they won’t be wasted.” Dave nodded confidently. He was a master at eating pie.

Her mouth curved up slightly on one side.

“I doubt it would’ve mattered on my end. I always make five pies.” Max pulled out his phone and opened his notes app.

“You’re joking.”

“I never joke about pie.”

“It’s true. He’s won ribbons.”

Sabine looked impressed.

“But just to avoid any more surprises, let’s go over tomorrow’s preparations.”

Sabine slapped a spiral notebook on the island and leaned on her elbows.