Page 16 of Mind Game



Four hours later, I’m still a little shaken by Rebecca’s venomous threats as Roman and I walk down to the large ballroom of the Helix where the group event is being held tonight.For the first time since I’ve met him, Roman’s wearing jeans, and I’m practically salivating at the way his butt and muscular thighs fill out the faded denim.Like me, he’s dressed for the theme, but in cowboy boots and a fitted T-shirt that reveals his biceps.The ballroom itself has been turned into something straight out of the Old West.Enormous backdrops painted with realistic-looking western building fronts, soaring mountains, and a herd of longhorn cattle make the entire room look like the set of a movie.The sleek bar has been transformed into a saloon, and strewn hay covers the floor.The hotel has spared no expense, and an assortment of props—wagon wheels, barrels, cow skulls, and split-rail cedar fencing—lend authenticity to the huge space.There are even several tall wooden windmills and a full-size replica of a steer.

“They spent all this money for one night?”I ask Roman incredulously.

“I imagine they’ll make this an annual special event at the hotel after it opens, depending on how successful tonight is.In some ways, the games are a way to test what works so the hotel can build a calendar of special weekend events for guests in addition to the regular offerings of the hotel.”

That makes sense, and I nod as I look around, taking in the rest of the crowded room where the contestants and other people I don’t recognize are congregated in small groups.There’s a mechanical bull set up on a padded mat as well as several old-fashioned stockades that make my stomach drop with anxiety at the thought of what they’re here for—a blatant reminder that this isn’t your typical Western party.

“Would you like a drink?”Roman asks.

“Yes, please,” I say fervently.

“Just one tonight.Power Games rules as well as mine.Understand?”

I nod again as he crooks a finger at Rose, who’s dressed like a slutty saloon girl in a corset that stops at the bottoms of her breasts, a red satin skirt edged in black lace that’s short in the front but ruffled and longer in the back, black elbow-length gloves, black fishnet thigh highs, and stilettos.Seeing her bared breasts obscenely framed and pushed up by the cupless bustier, I’m suddenly grateful for my cowgirl outfit, which covers everything except my butt since I’m wearing nothing but a thong under the chaps.She comes bounding over.“Hey, Ava.”She nods formally at Roman.“Sir.How can I serve you?”

Confused, I look around the room, realizing that half of the girls are dressed like cowgirls like me, and the other half are dressed like saloon girls.

“Two beers, Rose.Thank you.”

She heads to the bar, and I look at Roman questioningly.“Why are some of the girls dressed like me and some are dressed like Rose?And why is Rose getting our drinks?”

“The submissives have been divided into two groups tonight, and each group will compete in various events to earn extra points.The saloon girls will serve the Doms, and the cowgirls will provide the entertainment.”

I feel a finger of apprehension dance along my spine.“What kind of entertainment?”

“All in good time, Avalon,” he says, his lips tipping up at the corners.

Rose comes back, holding a tray filled with mugs of beer.She hands two of them to Roman and then moves on to the next group of Doms and submissives.One of the men jostles her slightly as she’s handing Stefan his mug, causing the beer to spill slightly.I watch in horror as he unhesitatingly pulls Rose over his lap, flipping her ruffled skirt up to expose her bare bottom.

“Five strokes for spilling my beer, little one.Count them.”

Rose breathlessly counts as Stefan spanks her five times and then lets her up.

“Why did he do that?”I demand in whispered outrage to Roman.

“It’s the rules of the evening,” he says with a grin.“The saloon girls are required to serve the Doms however they’re instructed.If she’s careless or doesn’t serve him adequately, the Dom has the right to discipline her.And as you can see, Rose just spilled beer on Stefan.I think he was rather lenient myself.”

Holy shit.I’m doubly glad I’m not a saloon girl, although Rose has a pretty pink flush to her face, and her nipples are hardened points as the burly Dom sets her back on her feet.

A few minutes later, I’m not so sure which role is worse as Roman leads me over to join the rest of the cowgirl submissives at the mechanical bull.

“One hundred extra points will go to the submissive who stays on the longest,” Logan announces.

“I have to ride that thing?”I ask in horror.

Roman’s fingers are on my back, and as I feel the whisper of cool air across my breasts, I realize he’s removed the bustier.“Bareback,” he whispers in my ear, pushing me forward.

The next thing I know I’m being helped onto the fake bull as a crowd gathers around the mat.Roman comes to stand next to me.“Have you ever ridden one of these before?”he asks, his voice low.

“No!”I say wildly, clutching the pommel of the saddle with both hands.

He gently disengages my left hand.“You can only hold on with one hand.”He chuckles.“Hold this one in the air for balance.Squeeze your thighs together tightly to hold yourself on the bull.”He winks.“You should be good at that.Keep your upper body relaxed.”

Before I can protest or ask any of the thousand questions that are running through my head, he steps away, and the bull starts to move.I grip the pommel tightly with my right hand, squeezing my thighs together like a vise.I’m so focused on staying on the bull, I don’t have time to feel self-conscious about the fact that I’m topless in front of all these people.The bull whips around in a circle, and I somehow manage to stay on.Then it begins to buck slowly, and I try to do what Roman said and keep my upper body relaxed and move with the bull.I settle into the rhythm as soon as I realize it’s kind of like riding a horse—albeit a completely unpredictable and hyper one.I work at keeping my balance, shifting my weight in the opposite direction that the bull is moving.