Page 11 of Mind Game

I don’t answer.

“The desk?”

I nod slightly.

“Oh God.”

She’s blushing again, and I can see the mortification on her face.

“And last night?”she whispers.

“Not last night,” I say softly.

She nods, relief etched on her face.

“Speaking of last night, I’m not sure if I told you how much I enjoyed your striptease,” I murmur.

“That was the idea.”She smiles, her embarrassment temporarily forgotten.“But for the record, you never actually begged.”

“But then neither did you,” I counter.

Her smile widens.“True.So a détente, then?”

“A détente,” I agree, smiling back.“For now.”

We’re interrupted by the return of Luke, Tessa, Jake, and Rose.Tessa hands a margarita to Ava and one to me.“We got you guys a drink,” she says.

“Thank you, Tessa,” I say.In my most authoritative voice, I add, “But from now on, I’ll take care of getting Ava’s drinks.”I fix Ava’s friend with a reprimanding stare, and she pales.When I turn back to Ava, she’s looking at me with wide-eyed disbelief.

“You knew all the time that it was Tessa?”she demands in a whisper.

I trace her cheekbone gently with my finger.“Loyalty is a beautiful quality in anyone, but particularly one’s submissive, Ava.Despite your disregard for the rules, I admired your willingness to protect your friend.”I don’t add that it probably also earned her major points with the viewers.

An hour later, the party’s in full swing, and eventually one of the Doms suggests a wet T-shirt contest.The Doms all agree it’s a great idea, much to the dismay of some of the subs, mine in particular, but she gamely takes the stage with the rest of the submissives, dressed in her bikini bottom and a white T-shirt Logan found who knows where.Probably his own suitcase.

Some of the submissives have cut the bottoms off the shirts and cut deep Vs down the front to showcase their cleavage, and there’s much laughter and squealing as the Doms take pitchers of water filled from the pool and pour them over their submissives’ chests.I stand behind Ava and pour slowly, appreciating the way the T-shirt clings to her small, round breasts, her protruding nipples clearly visible beneath the thin material.

Although it’s just for fun, the Doms have agreed to make it a competition and judge all the submissives but their own for the sake of fairness.Some of the more outgoing submissives play it up, dancing provocatively and shaking their tits, but Ava either used up all her performance chutzpah yesterday or she hasn’t had enough margaritas, and she’s voted off third.She leaves the stage and gratefully flops down at the end of the chaise lounge I’m sitting in.

“I’ve never been so grateful for small breasts in my life.”

I’ve noticed my little submissive isn’t much of an exhibitionist.We’ll have to work on that.I don’t require that a submissive flaunt her body unnecessarily, but if I want to show her off on occasion, I expect her to acquiesce graciously, if only to please me.

I tug her body until she’s positioned between my legs, leaning back against my chest.I cup the solid weight of one breast, rubbing my thumb across the rock-hard nipple.“I think they’re perfect,” I say simply.

She tries to squirm away, but I hold her to me, my hand still cupped around her breast possessively, reminding her of my authority over her.We watch until the second to last submissive is voted off and a winner is announced—an extremely well-endowed submissive named Desiree who isn’t shy about using her considerable assets.Her Dom proudly joins her on the stage, pulling her T-shirt off completely to cheers and wolf whistles from the approving Doms.

Ava gives a little shudder, no doubt thanking her stars she’d been voted off and consequently been spared standing bare breasted on the stage.However, her relief is short-lived, because as soon as Desiree leaves the stage, Logan takes it with a new announcement.

“Later, we’ll be announcing the results of the first round of the Power Games,” he says.“But first, we have an activity designed to let our Doms express their creativity.Each cabana has been stocked with a set of body paints and brushes.Each Dom has forty-five minutes to paint his submissive and turn her body into a work of art.”He chuckles.“Not that it isn’t already.Spend your time wisely, Doms.Although this isn’t an official game and no one will be voted off afterward, the artwork that gets the highest vote will earn its team an additional one hundred points to add to their score during the next round.Oh, and the only thing submissives can have on their bodies is paint.Gentlemen, are you ready?”

Ava’s still looking stunned when I close the curtains of the cabana, giving us complete privacy.

She gasps in horror.“I have to parade around completely naked again?”

“The paint will cover you for the most part, but you should be getting used to being naked.It’s no different than the striptease last night,” I remind her.

“But then I’d had…” She trails off.“Any chance you’ll go get me another margarita?”She flashes me a disarming smile.