Her entire face lit up. "I wasn't counting on that."
"I can start right here, during the party too, if you want."
She sighed. "Oh, man, you’reverygood at this."
"I know."
"I can’t come to the table again. There are too many things to check on, and if I sit down, I’ll just lose track of time because I'm really having fun with your family. Try to make Jeannie happy, okay?"
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.
"Before, at the table, when you and your brothers were chatting about Whitley Advertising, I was looking at her. I could tell it meant a lot to her that you were communicating."
"I'll do my best. Honestly, it wasn't so hard."
"I’m glad to hear that."
"Are you sure I can't distract you a little while later?" I winked.
"Please, please, don't. I'm trying to make a good impression here."
"You're killing it, babe. I've heard a lot of guests say this is a wonderful party."
"Hmm. Are you being honest, or are you just trying to settle my nerves?"
"I would never lie to you."
"That's true. You don't sugarcoat things, and you definitely don't lie."
I grinned. "I'm glad we settled that."
I went back to the table after that, but I kept my eyes on her. She was stunning, and I had mad respect for her. She’d been magnificent today. Every detail was thought through—she’d even found out that lilies were Grandmother’s favorite flowers and used them as centerpieces. Grandmother had insisted she also wanted this party to pay homage to her long marriage, so Natalie had asked all of us to send her pictures and videos, and she’d done a collage with both that moved my grandmother to tears. Natalie fit in with the family effortlessly, and I loved that about her.
Maddox pulled me to one side. "Jake, a word?"
We left the table and walked farther into the back, where there were high bar tables set around.
"You don’t like that I offered Natalie a job," he stated as soon as we were alone.
Fucking hell, was I that obvious?"Did Grandmother say anything?"
"No. I put two and two together. Is it a problem?"
"Not at all. I made her a similar offer a couple days ago. She turned it down, so I was surprised that she’d outright decide to apply for your job."
He settled his cuff links. "I do make a compelling case. Don't worry. Your girl will be in good hands with us. I wouldn't have made the offer if I knew it would piss you off. The last thing I want is to upset Gran even more."
For the fourth time today, Maddox took me by complete surprise. His thoughts went directly to Grandmother.
"I agree that I haven't been very cordial in the past."
"Man, you've got your reasons. We don't need to analyze or dissect them. You do you. I do me. This doesn't mean we’re friends. I'm enjoying the party, and I thought it was a good opportunity to help out Natalie in a pinch."
"It was," I replied.
"I'm glad you're okay with it." He patted my arm before going back to the table.