He nodded. "That sounds great. Friday?"
It was Wednesday today. "Let's make it tomorrow. That way, in case we’re not seeing eye to eye on something, I have time to change things before the party."
"Okay, but I’m sure we’ll come to an agreement. Thursday it is. And, on a personal note, are you free this evening?"
"Oh. You want to talk about it now?" I was confused since we’d agreed to meet tomorrow.
He glanced at Jake again. Michael was not quite as tall as him; however, both were a good foot taller than me. "No, I was wondering if you're free to grab dinner together. My shift just ended."
Holy shit. I hadn’t picked up any flirty vibes from him, but clearly Jake had, even before the man made his move. That explained the look Jake was giving him. I was in business mode and totally missed his intentions.
"No, she's not free. She's going out with me," Jake said before I could even open my mouth.
I bit the inside of my cheek, fighting hard not to laugh as Michael winced. Seriously, a six-foot man winced.
"My apologies. I didn't know. Well, see you tomorrow, then, Natalie," he said before turning around and heading back inside the restaurant.
"I want to be here when you meet with him tomorrow or anytime," Jake said.
I turned around and almost stumbled backward from the intensity in his eyes. "Don't be ridiculous."
"I mean it. I don't want you to be alone with him."
"I think he got the message."
"I don't care."
He stepped closer to one of the trees, and I followed suit. We were shielded from the view of the customers. I couldn't believe that he was jealous.
"You're mine, Natalie."
Yup. My panties finally did what they’d promised to since he first appeared today and spontaneously combusted.
"Oh yeah. I got the message too," I murmured. I was so aware of his presence and the way he simply seemed to dominate the space around him.
He tilted his head, as if considering his words carefully. "What are you in the mood to do tonight?"
I perked up, remembering that we were going to spend the rest of the evening together. "I'm in the mood to hang around Castle Island."
"South Boston, got it. Okay, let's go." There was still an edge to his voice, his eyes still hard.“You’re mine, Natalie.”
I really was. I had no idea how it happened, but it was true.