Page 71 of Matchmaking the CEO

Before I could protest—not that I was going to—he put both hands on my shoulders and positioned me in front of him as we walked to the passenger side of the car. I decided to simply let this wonderful man take me wherever he wanted to tonight.

Until now, I'd always wanted to know the plan. But tonight, I simply wanted to let go. I didn't even ask where we were going as we sped toward the city. I did, however, become acutely aware that I wasn't looking my best. I hadn't even checked my appearance in the mirror, but my hair was probably a mess. I’d applied mascara sometime earlier today, and after wearing it for so many hours, it typically started to smudge. I'd been wearing this dress since early morning and hoped it wasn’t too wrinkled. As cautiously as possible, I lifted my right arm, propping my elbow on the windowsill and moving my nose to the general area of my armpit as I discreetly sniffed. At least I wasn't stinking of perspiration, but I didn't smell fresh either.

He parked the car twenty minutes later in front of one of my favorite gardens.

"Hey, this is awesome. How did you know I planned to come here sometime this summer?" I asked.

"You told me so when we were walking the other night."

"Oh, that's right. They have the best oysters here."

"Then it’s oysters for the lady tonight."

I let him do his gentlemanly thing as he came around to open my door. Tonight I wanted to let him spoil me. As I got out of the car, I became acutely aware of the hungry look in his eyes. It sent shivers through me. After closing the door, he took a step back, looking me up and down.

I bit my lip. "Don't do that. Don't inspect me. I'm self-conscious already."

"What? Why?"

"I haven't had a chance to freshen up after the trip to the hospital."

"You look insanely sexy."

And just like that, all my fears went out the window.

He led the way inside the garden. It was packed with people, but fortunately, there were multiple high bar tables set around the garden. It had a fairy-tale look with twinkle lights in the trees. No, they weren't exactly twinkle lights. They’d changed them up this year, hanging industrial-style bulbs everywhere instead, but it was still romantic.

Jake ordered oysters for the both of us along with bread drizzled with cheese sauce.

"This is a feast," I said.

"Wouldn't want you to get hungry," he said, "You should eat. You've had a long evening."

The protective streak in his voice made me swoon. Truth was, I was hungry, I just hadn't realized it while I was in the hospital.

"The oysters are delicious, as usual." Straightening in my seat, I decided to be serious and ask Jake point-blank, "What are we doing here?"There goes my resolution to simply take things as they come tonight.

He put a hand at the small of my back. "Are you ready to call it a date?"

His body was so damn hot next to me. Pheromones were rolling off him. I was too stunned to answer.

"Then we won't," he said, misinterpreting my silence.

Instead of correcting him, I pressed my lips together. Truthfully, I didn't want to call it anything yet.

"Thank you for everything," I murmured.

"You're welcome. Just know that if anything like this ever happens again, you can always count on me to pick you up or be there for you, okay?"

"Jake," I muttered. No man I’d ever dated had offered that, and here was this guy to whom I couldn't even confirm we were dating saying such things. "You can count on me too."

“That’s something I usually only hear from my brothers.”

“Well, now you can add me into the mix.”

“My pleasure. We can count on each other. Now come on. Let’s order the main course too.”

“Oh yeah. Bring it on. Somehow, I’m even hungrier than before.”