That gave me an idea.

"Gabe, you do all your advertising in-house, right?" I asked.

"Yes, but I know where you're going with this."

"Really? Humor me."

"You want me to take over as CEO?"

"Not even close.” I wasn't a fool. I knew being creative with a product and leading a creative company were two very different sets of skills. “But I think it would help if you would consult them on their actual campaigns, at least the ones that are related to your industry.”

“Grandfather already asked my advice on a few campaigns, but I’ll be more proactive about it.”

"Thanks, man," I said.

"Who wants drinks?" Spencer asked.

"I can't believe Colton left before we even had drinks." Cade shook his head.

"Stop giving the man a hard time. He's working on a ‘breakthrough discovery,’" I said, complete with air quotes.

"Yeah, yeah. You and Colton are like pot and kettle."

Once upon a time, we were a team. The two older brothers who found out their father was a jackass and had to protect their younger brothers from it as well as deal with their mother's illness. Mom learned she had melanoma six months after finding out my father had cheated on her. It was at an advanced stage, and she passed away four months later.

A waiter came by, and they all ordered an assortment of cocktails. I stuck to an energy drink.

Spencer cocked a brow. "And you're not toasting with us why?"

"I've got a call once I'm back."

"In New York?" He looked stunned.


"With whom? The whole US is sleeping. Europe too."

"Thank you for reminding me how time zones work. It's with Asia. The pitch is at 10:00 p.m. our time. It’s eleven in the morning for them."

"Okay. Well, cheers," Gabe said.

I might not act like it, but it was good to be back with my brothers. I wouldn't admit it out loud because they'd never let me forget it, but I missed the banter and catching up with them face-to-face.

I stayed with them for another forty minutes before I ordered an Uber to drive me to the private airport just outside the city.

As soon as I got inside the car, I started making phone calls, putting in motion the search for the CEO. Whitley Advertising needed one as soon as possible, and it wasn't going to be me.