Page 48 of Matchmaking the CEO

She pressed her lips together, tilting her head.

"And I've stunned you into silence," I said, "I didn't think that was possible."

"Let's call it the day of surprises," she replied. "I didn't think you had it in you to make a joke. Or come get ice cream so spontaneously. You seem like the kind of guy who follows the same schedule day in, day out."

I swallowed hard. "I do. This is the first day in about ten years that I’ve left the office at this time and don't have anything scheduled for the rest of the evening."

"Why make an exception today?" she murmured.

"You made a convincing case for ice cream. Besides, since my move to Boston was so abrupt, I don’t have a schedule yet.”

And I wanted to see you,a voice said in the back of my mind. Just being next to her made the rest of the day seem as if it happened last week.

"This works for me. I get to cut the line and wait with you."

I looked behind me. Jesus. The line was now around the corner.

"It's a very popular place," she said.

"I believe you."

She shifted her weight from one foot to the other as we waited. It dawned on me that she might be uncomfortable with the fact that I showed up here. "Natalie, is it okay with you that I'm here?" The last thing I wanted was for her to think I was stalking her.

"Sure. I just wasn't expecting it. So, you never told me what you think about that place for Jeannie's birthday."

"I'll be honest. It just looks like a garden to me. I can't tell if there's anything special about it."

She wrinkled her nose. Clearly my answer displeased her.

When our turn came, she ordered pistachio and lemon. I did the same.

She narrowed her eyes. "You mocked me earlier.”

“I think it's an odd choice. But I like getting out of my comfort zone."

"That's an interesting way to look at things."

I took out my wallet.

"No, no, no. You're not paying for my ice cream."

I stared at her. "Yes, I am."

"No, Jake. Really?"

"Yes, really. I am." I put money on the counter before she could argue some more and then took both our cups outside. I handed hers to her as we stepped into a corner. There were a few tables, but they were full.

"I have a favorite tree where I sit when I come here to enjoy my ice cream. I don't share it with just anyone, but I’ll make an exception for you."

"Let’s go, then."

I was pleased that she wanted to share something special with me. We walked for about five minutes and glanced around the neighborhood. I hadn't been here before, or at least not that I could remember.

"Here it is." She pointed at a bench in front of a shop selling all sorts of bath products. As we sat down, she crossed her legs, and I realized her dress had a slit. I took a good peek, noticing her legs were tan and so damn long. My fantasies instantly lit up my mind. I’d lick this woman from head to toe.

She fidgeted in her spot, exhaling sharply. My perusal of her hadn’t gone unnoticed.

"So, what do you think?" she asked.