Page 139 of Matchmaking the CEO

“'Course I did. It was the first time we met him. Had we been in Boston, I would’ve cooked a nice meal and we’d have hadhourstogether.”

“We can’t wait to meet you at Christmas,” Mom said.

I sighed.

I so wished they would visit sooner, but I understood that it wasn’t possible. Jake and I were toying with the idea of visiting them, but we had so much going on at the moment that we weren’t sure when. He’d moved from the hotel into my cozy but tiny home, and we were looking for something bigger. Thankfully, since October had rolled in, it wasn’t boiling hot inside anymore.

"Likewise," he said.

Turning the phone around, I gave them an air kiss before hanging up. I could barely believe my life now. The restraining order worked, and Vince was out of my hair. He even sent me a cryptic message that he’d moved to California and never wanted to hear from me again, which sent Jake and me into fits of laughter.Hewas always the one to contactme. But I was certain that was all over now.

Jake grinned and sat on the couch next to me. "Told you your parents were going to take it well."

"Yeah, I think they took it as best as they could, but they'll eventually get used to it, especially Mom. I think if they ever come back here for an extended time and see how happy I am, they'll agree it's the right decision."

I was so happy that things were falling into place. Jake made me happier than ever. I had my dream job. What more could I ask for?

"I love this place so much. Thanks for agreeing to come one day early," I said. Abe’s birthday was tomorrow. We came up to the Vineyard yesterday, very late at night. They were all arriving in about two hours: Jeannie and Abe, Jake’s brothers, and his half brothers. Abe insisted he only needed his family around him.

"Whatever you want, babe," he said. "I told you. You have me wrapped around your little finger."

"Hmm, one of these days, you're going to regret you ever said that to me because I'm going to make full use of it."

"I can't wait."

From the kitchen area, we heard a loud bang. The chef was cleaning up. We had a delicious dinner. Donald had prepared tuna tataki with sesame for starters and delicious cannelloni filled with feta and spinach as the main course. We had ice cream for dessert, and now he was cleaning up all by himself.

"Shouldn't we help?" I asked.

"No, don't worry about it, baby, okay?"

"Okay, if you're sure."

"Want to take a walk around the property? These are our last moments alone for the rest of the weekend."

"Yeah, let's go. It's going to be fun having everyone here."

"I know. But I want you just for me for a while longer."

I chuckled as we walked down the terrace, hand in hand.

"What?" he asked.

"Could you have imagined throwing a birthday party for someone and inviting yourwholefamily here?"

"No," he answered without hesitation. "Although Grandmother had convinced me to throw it for her."

"Yeah, but you only begrudgingly agreed to that, right?”

"I'm nothing if not honest,” he said with a shrug and a huge smile.

"Hey, it's about time for the sunset," I noted. "Do you think we could still find that spot?"

"Yes, we can."

He said it so quickly that I was immediately suspicious. Had he timed this? Knowing my schedule-obsessed, broody guy, he might have. Then again, I didn't mind, because I didn't want to miss out on the sunset. It truly had been a magical experience, and I was eager to relive it now that things were so different.

Jake loved me, and I loved him. I'd never been so happy in my life. If I was honest, I had never imagined a person could feel so much joy anyway, every day of their life.