Page 134 of Matchmaking the CEO

Itold Cal to dropme off a block away from the ice cream shop. After all, I didn't want Natalie to know I was showing up too. It was raining, but that meant there was absolutely no one in line. I stood a few feet away with an umbrella, waiting for her to get out of the Uber. She opened her umbrella as she approached the counter. I cut her off.

"Great minds think alike," I said.

She startled, tilting the umbrella backward and looking up at me.

"Jake, what are you doing here?"

"I was in the mood for the best ice cream in town."

"Wait, how did you know I was here?"

“From Maddox. Told him I needed you here.”

"Oh my God, wait a second. If Maddox orchestrated this with you..." She swallowed hard. "Does it mean you two are okay?"

"Yes. Babe, come on, let's move out of this rain. We're going to get sick. It's coming from all directions."

We went around the corner in the covered outdoor area. It was empty. We closed the umbrellas, putting them on the table nearest to us. I looked her up and down. Her hair was a bit wet at the edges.

"Are you cold? Do you need my suit jacket?"

She smiled sheepishly. "Always a gentleman, aren't you?"

"Always," I confirmed.

"I'm not feeling cold, but thanks. Tell me more about you and Maddox."

"I didn't come here to talk about him and me. Just know we’re fine. I want to talk about you and me."

Her cheeks turned red. She looked at her feet, then crossed her arms over her chest and glanced back up.

"When did your eyes go from serious to smoldering hot?"

"I’m gonna need everything I’ve got."

"For what?" she murmured.

I put both my hands on her shoulders. "To convince you that we belong together."

"Jake, wait.”

“Before you go on, I made a big decision today."


She licked her lips. I wanted to lean in and kiss her senseless, but that had to wait or I would get carried away.

"I decided to move to Boston. I'm going to run Whitley Advertising myself."

She gasped. "What's going to happen to your company in New York?"

"I'll promote my vice president of operations to CEO, and I'll just consult and fly in from time to time." Ben had done well while I’d been in Boston. I was confident he could do the job as long as I advised him on crucial decisions.

"Oh my God, Jake, this is great news."

"You're the first one who knows. Well, you would be the first one if Cade hadn't surprised me with a visit first."

"Jake, your grandparents are going to be so happy," she gushed. "And all your brothers too."