Page 64 of Matchmaking the CEO

"Yes." My voice was uneven.

"Okay. I'll give you a hint. Take me to a place where you’d like to go on a date."

My breath caught. "You're asking me out?"

"No, I'm simply telling you to take me to a place you’d like."

"You're very clever and sneaky about it," I remarked.


Oh God, he couldn't keep saying my name like that. It felt like he was ordering me to strip naked right here in the street. And if he kept doing it, my clothes might spontaneously combust anyway.

"Fine. I'll think of something."

I liked the playful glint in his eyes and that he'd so openly spoken about his family tonight. When I first met him, he seemed so distant. I thought he’d always be out of reach and would keep those around him behind a wall. Perhaps he still was. Clearly he wasn't happy about having to deal with his half brothers, but he’d opened a door for me, and to my surprise, I wanted to pass through. Even though I had a lot going on and couldn't trust my heart—now less than ever.

Chapter Sixteen


For the next few days, I woke up with Jake on my mind. I grinned when my phone buzzed and immediately grabbed it from the nightstand, pushing myself up into a sitting position. He’d kept his promise about waking me up in the morning. This was the third day in a row. He’d called me the first day, but I was too sleepy to have a conversation, so we’d settled on texting.

Jake: Good morning, beautiful.

Natalie: I'm up and ready to conquer the day.

Jake: I love your energy.

I felt extra feisty this morning, so I told him what was on my mind.

Natalie: This evening, I'm going to make up my mind about where I'm whisking you away.

Jake: No, you got it wrong. I'm the one whisking you.

Natalie: I thought it wasn't a date? Just someplace where I like to go. That’s whisking in my book.