Page 38 of Matchmaking the CEO

"You have that expression when you can't help yourself and are on the verge of exploding with questions."

"What made you decide to take the job if you were so dead against it?"

"My grandfather is unwell. I'm not about to let the man kill himself trying to keep that company afloat. I'll figure something out in New York."

He glanced out the window as I melted on the inside. From the moment I met him, I instinctively knew that Jake Whitley would always do exactly what he wanted, no matter the consequences. But today I learned that he did put someone else first: his family.

"It's not so bad, you know," I said. "Boston is an amazing city."

"I know. I grew up here."

Okay, grumpy Jake was back, and it seemed like he wouldn't slip out of this slump. I glanced outside, mentally reviewing possible party venues in and around Boston for Jeannie. She clearly liked the outdoors, so that eliminated about half the places I knew. I’d have to scout out new locations.

We arrived in front of my home about twenty minutes later. I lived in a cute neighborhood that was far away from the water, but it was cozy, and I liked it. I got out of the car and went to the trunk to get my bag, but Jake was there first. Interesting—he hadn't even attempted to open my door. Did that mean he’d realized exactly what the previous interactions had done to me? No, I was being silly. Maybe he was simply lost in thought. He took out my suitcase and rolled it right to my front door.

I froze when I saw the letter peeking out of my mailbox. I recognized the handwriting. It was from my ex, Vince. Why the hell would he write me a letter? He lived in Boston too.

"Natalie, what's wrong?"

I grabbed the letter without bothering to open it. A cold shudder ran all over me.

"Thank you for bringing my suitcase, Jake. Welcome to Boston." I took out my keys from my bag. He was rooted to the spot at the base of the steps. I attempted to jab in the key, but my hands were shaking so badly that instead I dropped it.

Jake was next to me in an instant. He picked up the key. “Which one unlocks the door?”

"The big gold one," I said.

He unlocked the door, opening it wide for me. I immediately threw the letter in the bin I had by the kitchen door.

"Natalie," he said as I rolled my suitcase away from the front door. "What happened? Who was that letter from? You seemed to recognize the handwriting, so it was either a neighbor or someone else who knows you very personally. Judging by the fact that you paled, I'd say the latter."

"You double as a detective in your free time?" I attempted to tease, but my voice was feeble.

"Do you need a detective?" Jake asked seriously.

I closed my eyes, laughing despite myself. I knew he didn't mean this in a funny way. His reaction was endearing.

"No, I don't."

He stood in the doorway and clearly had no intention of leaving until I told him what happened.

"Tell me what’s wrong. I want to know. I want to help."

"Come on in," I said. "Funny, yesterday you couldn't wait to get rid of me, and now you won't leave me alone."

"You’re shaking," he said.

"Want to sit down?" I pointed to my tiny sofa by the wall.

He nodded, and we both sat.

"It’s from my ex-boyfriend. I have no idea how he has my new address. I moved here recently and haven’t shared my whereabouts with anyone except my best friend, Larissa, and she wouldn’t tell him, or anyone else for that matter.”

"Is he stalking you?"

The words sent a shock wave through me.

"No, nothing like that. At least I don't think so. He's just being an asshole. We broke up six months ago, and he’s tried to get back with me a couple times."