Page 48 of Ink & Dust

“I’m not rejecting you, Bo. I promise. I’m so sorry I pushed you away after my folks’ accident. I panicked and made some shitty choices. I won’t be repeating those mistakes. I like you a whole helluva lot, and I don’t want to rush in and ruin things this time around.”

“Knock, knock!”

Silk came in, Raven in her arms and Eagle behind her. “Oh, you’re awake!” She turned and thrust her son at her husband before she rushed over. I tensed, but she skidded to a stop before she hit the bed. “Damn it. I can’t even hug you!”

“Yeah, sorry. Can’t even hold Bo’s hand at the moment.”

She winced. “No way you’ll be working anytime soon, either. Guess this is one way to get you to take it easy, but in the future, I’d prefer if you just took a vacation like a normal person, right?”

Chuckling, I shook my head. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Has anyone gone in to check on John and Kate?”

Her expression went serious. “I dropped in to check on them on my way here. They were both found unconscious in their bed. I overheard the nurses talking, and it’s not looking good for Kate. I’m sorry. John is apparently showing signs he will wake up soon. Guess Royce was dosing them the same amount of poison and since John’s bigger, it didn’t affect him as much.”

That had me frowning. “I don’t understand why he didn’t just kill them outright if that’s what he wanted. Why make them suffer?”

Eagle spoke up, “At a guess, he was hoping the poison would bring on something natural like a stroke or heart attack that he could be blameless for. Club’s looking into it. He had a pretty big life insurance policy on both of them.”

I couldn’t understand how anyone would do such a thing. Taking any life for momentary gain was horrible, but to kill your own parents who never did anything but love you? That was inconceivable.

“Right, well, on a lighter note! Have you decided on where you want to go when you break free of this place? Because I’d love to have you with us. You’ll get all the baby cuddles you need — once your shoulders heal enough to accept them.”

Looked like I wasn’t going to have long to decide what I where I wanted to go, after all.