Page 47 of Ink & Dust

I took another drink of my water. “I’m struggling to accept it myself, but the fact Gabs is now safe is making it easier to understand.”

“Yeah, they know how to solve a problem.”

I tilted my head toward Gabs’ family. “They always been like that with her? Putting her last?”

She sighed. “Yeah. They don’t think her job is a real one. Like she didn’t work her ass off to be where she is. Doesn’t help her brother’s a fucking plastic surgeon. I’ve never liked how her folks are with her. I ran interference a bit when we lived together…” She paused to wipe her eyes. “She has good reason to think I’ve backed away from her. It wasn’t on purpose. Babies have a way of taking all your time without you fully realizing it.”

“Where is your little one?”

“Eagle’s on daddy duty at the moment. In the morning, he’ll either come in with him, or he’ll drop him at my Aunt Rose’s then come in. Everyone in the club loves Gabs. She’s not been coming to the barbecues and family functions lately. I’ve been fielding questions for a while about where she’s at.”

Unsure what else to say, I stayed quiet as we waited for news on Gabs.


For the second time today, I woke to pain but at least this time I was on a bed, not the ground.

“You coming back to us, Gabs? C’mon, sweetheart, open your eyes.”

Boone’s deep voice had me forcing my lids open. I smiled when I saw he was real and not a dream. I tried to reach for him but quickly realized moving my arms wasn’t going to happen.

“Don’t try to move. You dislocated your right shoulder when you landed on it and your left took a bullet. It didn’t hit anything vital and missed the bone. A through and through. But it’s gonna hurt like a bitch for a while. Thankfully, your spine is all good. Guess you can thank your shoulder for taking the hit.”

Relief had me closing my eyes for a moment. I’d been so scared when I’d woken up from falling. The pain in my shoulders eclipsed the rest of my body so I couldn’t really tell what else was injured.

“They kept you sedated through the night, so you’d rest.”

I nodded and scanned the room, looking for anyone else.

“Silk’s just gone to the cafeteria with Eagle and Raven, but she’ll be back any minute. And Christopher took your mom home last night once you were out of surgery and we knew you wouldn’t be waking up till today.”


What else could I say? I’d not left the hospital until I was forced to when Mom and Dad were here, but I didn’t get the same in return. I did understand they were both still healing, but it still stung.

“I guess you’ll need to get going back to the ranch….”

My voice trailed off as I stared down at the white bedding, unsure what I was even asking.

“My father and Liam have the ranch covered. They’re also looking in on the Emerson place.”

That had me looking up at him. The moment my gaze locked with his, he gave me a small smile. “Gabs, I ain’t leaving you, darlin’. I get you’re not used to being someone’s top priority, but that’s what you are to me. What you’ll always be. I’m gonna always choose you. Always be here for you. All you gotta do is let me.”

Tears welled and I bit my lip when it started to tremble. His expression softened, and he leaned in to wipe the moisture from my cheeks. Standing, he moved to press a soft kiss to my lips, and I moaned as I returned the kiss. His lips were warm and soft, and I wanted more. More than my body was ready for.

With a groan, Boone pulled back. “Damn, it’s gonna be hard to wait until your shoulders are all healed up. Been missing you, Gabs.”

I sniffled then cleared my throat. “Well, with both shoulders screwed up, my calendar just freed right up.” I stopped short when I inhaled and caught a faint scent of smoke from Boone. “Last night, Royce said something about burning my shit.”

The way Boone winced had me bracing for bad news. “Sorry, Gabs. Your trailer’s gone.”

Shock hit me. Everything I owned was gone. “Where am I gonna live?”

“That’s up to you. I’d love for you to come stay with me, at least while you’re healing. You can have the spare bedroom, there’s no pressure for anything. I just worry if you move back with your folks, they’ll have you helping out around the house way before you should be. I believe Silk also offered, and Scout mentioned the clubhouse.”

I chuckled at that thought. “The clubhouse has an upper level that’s like hotel rooms. Some of the brothers and prospects live there. Trust me, I do not want to try to recover there. And you’re probably right about my folks.” I sighed. Moving in with Silk would be nice, like old times, but she did have a baby to care for now. “I need to think on it. This thing between us is so new, I don’t want to wreck it by moving too fast, you know?”

He nodded but I didn’t miss the hurt in his gaze.