Page 25 of Ink & Dust

Letting him believe I was simply tired and not trying to figure out if he was my one-and-only, I allowed him to guide me to the bathroom as guilt weighed me down that I’d been worrying about something so silly when my parents were still back at the hospital. I shouldn’t have left. What if something happened?

“Christopher is there with them, and they’re surrounded by doctors. They’re safe and taken care of, Gabs. Let me take care of you.”

Had I spoken aloud?

“You didn’t say anything, darlin’, but I can guess why you’re frowning like you are. I get it. I’d be worried as hell in your shoes too, but if you fall over with exhaustion, you’re not going to be any good to them.”

With a nod, I didn’t bother trying to say anything. He was right. Just like Christopher had been right earlier. With a kiss to my temple, he placed my backpack that I hadn’t realized he’d grabbed from the hospital room next to the sink.

“Take your time, Gabs. I’ll be waiting for you when you get done.”

With that, he turned and closing the door gently behind him, left me alone in the bathroom.