Page 21 of Ink & Dust


Boone melted my heart with his words and his kisses. I couldn’t wait to see how explosive we’d be between the sheets, but it appeared the universe didn’t want us to go there just yet. Cockblocked by a car crash… It was different, that was for sure.

I’d fully sunken into his kiss, allowing him to carry me away from my injured parents and this whole situation when a knock on the door frame had me jerking away from him. Guilt ate at me that I’d been busted making out like a randy teenager in my mother’s hospital room, of all places.

“Damn, girl. You’ve been keeping all sorts of secrets lately, huh?”

I turned to face Silk as she entered the room. I hadn’t called her. How did she know I was here?

“I didn’t realize your brother still had my number. Guess it’s a good thing I haven’t changed it in the last few years, huh? Or I wouldn’t know my best friend needed my ass. Seriously, Gabs, what gives?”

I wasn’t sure what to say exactly. Silk and I had been drifting for a long while now. Her life had gotten busy, and changed direction, while mine had stayed the same.

“The doctor was just in here. They managed to save Dad’s leg. It got smashed up pretty bad.”

I went with ignoring the elephant in the room and moved along to more pressing matters.

Avoidance for the win.

Silk slowly nodded. “And your mom?”

She turned to look at my still sleeping mother.

“She dislocated her shoulder and cut up her arm, but she’ll be fine.”

Shifting her attention back to me, Silk held my gaze for a minute of awkward silence before she shook her head and strode the rest of the way to me. She set a large Sonic cup on the table before she pulled me from Boone to wrap me in a hug.

“Wish you’d called me sooner. I would have been here to hold your hand while you waited for news. Brought you a Vanilla Coke from Sonic. Extra-large with a double pump of vanilla.”

That made me smile. I loved that drink, but we didn’t have a Sonic in Bridgewater, so it wasn’t often I got one. Commercial Vanilla Coke just wasn’t the same.

“Sorry, Silk. Assumed you’d be busy with Raven and Eagle and stuff…”

My words trailed off.

“Seriously? That’s what you going silent on me lately has been about?” Silk took my face between her palms and locked her pale blue gaze onto mine. “No matter what happens, you are my best friend. I’ll always make time for you. Yeah, I don’t get as much sleep now with a baby and spend half my life wondering where the fuck I left my sanity, but you and me? We’ll always have each other.”

Tears dripped down my cheeks and she released my face to give me another tight hug.

“Damn it, Gabs. I’ve missed you.”

“We’ve been working together this whole time, Silk. I didn’t go anywhere for you to miss me.”

“Bull-fucking-shit, you didn’t. You’ve not told me a damn thing in months. Like who’s this sexy cowboy who looks like he’s trying to decide if I need to be kicked out or welcomed in?”

I chuckled, although it sounded a little watery through my tears. Releasing Silk, I reached for Boone, who took my outstretched hand and wrapped his arm around my waist.

“Silk, this is Boone. Boone, Silk.”

Boone gave her a head tilt. “Ma’am.”

After running her gaze over Boone, she smirked at me. “That’s all the info you gonna give me? Seriously? Fine.” She turned to Boone. “Where’d you meet my girl?”

Boone cocked an eyebrow at her. “I met my girl a month back at The Barn. Any more details than that, you’ll need to ask Gabs.”

When he pressed a kiss to my temple, I leaned into him with a smile. I was quickly becoming addicted to how this man made me feel.

“Which I might leave and give you a chance to do,” he said. “If that’s okay with you, Gabs? I’ll head home and double check everything before coming back in. Want me to stop by your place? Grab a change of clothes for you or anything else?”