I feel my throat close as tears prick at my eyes. I don't know why this knowledge is affecting me so harshly, but it is. I suddenly know that all those times I thought I fainted, it was really Stephan using his powers on me to put me into a deep sleep.

And he never told me. I thought he said there would be no more secrets between us.

Of course. The topic never did exactly come up. But if you have some freaking superhuman power, where you can put people to sleep, wouldn’t you think that would be an important thing to tell the person you say you love? There's an insistent voice in the back of my head that sounds suspiciously like Stephan’s dark timbre telling me that if he ever used his powers on me, he had a good reason, and it was not with intent to harm me.

But then there's that emotional part of me that still can't help feeling a bit betrayed. Dorian is just as perceptive as his brother when it comes to reading my face, apparently, because he quirks up an eyebrow before he says sympathetically, “I see. He didn't tell you.”

He gives a shrug as if I should have known better. “Unfortunately, that is the way of my brother. He never discloses the full truth. He's always been famous for lies by omission.”

“What are you going to do with me?” I take a step back from him, my voice shaky. I might be feeling hurt and more than a little pissed at Stephan, but between the two of the brothers, I'll take my chances with the devil I know rather than this new, unpredictable one.

“Whatever I want, of course.” Dorian’s nostrils flare, and his brown eyes begin to glow as they rake ravenously over my form. “I can still smell the scent of a virgin on you. Stephan may not have had the balls to claim you fully, but I assure you, I have no qualms.” Dorian licks his lips.

I take a few more steps back from him, my heart beating erratically now. If what Stephan told me is true, once the process is begun, it must be finished or I'll die.

I can’t let Doran take my virginity, but I’m helpless to stop it.

“Don't look so alarmed, dear.” Dorian’s eyes soften. “If you're frightened because it's your first time, I promise I will make it good for you. And if it’s the thing about becoming a vampire,” he raises his hand dismissively, “you'll get over it soon enough. In fact, most people would love to be in your position. I'm going to make you my queen. I'll lay the world at your feet.”

His eyes glow with his promises.

I feel like I might be sick.

“Why do you want me?” I ask him. Maybe if I can just keep him talking, it'll stave off the inevitable long enough for Stephan to find me. At least Stephan would never force me to do anything I don't want to do. He's made that abundantly clear.

Dorian cocks his head to the side thoughtfully. “There's something special about you. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it was only confirmed whenever I learned the lengths that my brother had gone to to keep you away from everyone else.”

Dorian’s lip curls up into a snarl when he mentions his brother. “He's always been a greedy bastard like that. He wants the best for himself and doesn't want to share with anyone else.”

I have to bite back the retort that I'm not a toy to be shared. Somehow, I don't think it would be wise for me to anger the vampire right now.

He's obviously insane, and he has deep-seated issues with his brother. And of course, I'm the unlucky human who gets to be caught in their crossfire of sibling rivalry. It's just my luck that the one time men pay attention to me at all, they would be vampires who want to fight over me and essentially kill me when they have sex with me.

Why, universe, why?

“On top of all that, you smell amazing.” He inhales deeply, his eyes glowing a brighter red as he takes purposeful steps toward me.

“Wait!” I hold my hands up between us. “Why don't we go slow, you know, get to know one another.” I lick my lips nervously, but apparently, that was the wrong thing to do because Dorian’s eyes flash down to them.

His pupils dilate.

“The reason Stephan didn't take me for his mate is because he would never force me,” I blurt out.

Dorian stops mid-step, his eyes flaring in challenge. I’m hoping that if I goad him enough into thinking that he doesn't want to be less than his brother that he'll offer me the same courtesy—of not forcing me, that is.

Before I ever get the chance to strike that proposal, Dorian’s phone rings. He pulls it out of his suit pocket because, of course, Dorian is just as handsome and wealthy as his brother, and apparently, they both believe that they must be dressed in super sexy Armani suits every day.

Wicked delight lights his eyes as he looks at the screen. “Brother!” he answers the phone warmly. He puts the phone on speakerphone, so I instantly hear Stephan’s deadly snarl come over the line.

“Where is she, Dorian? I swear to God, I'm not pussyfooting around with you this time. If you've hurt a hair on her head—"

“Calm down,” Dorian says dryly. “I would never hurt such a beautiful creature. In fact, I'm going to make her my queen.”

“Over my dead body,” Stephan snarls.

“That can easily be arranged, but you’re already dead, brother, or have you forgotten that?” Dorian points out dryly before he chuckles. “You always were still stuck in your human ways. All your little human euphemisms.”

Stephan scoffs. “I knew you were a lot of things, Dorian, but I never thought you would stoop so low as to force yourself on a woman.”