Despite the warmth and opulent décor, the castle is still so big and empty. It’s kind of creepy. It reminds me ofThe Shining. It's weird for a space so big to be so devoid of life. I’m halfway expecting Jack Nicolson to jump out at any moment and scream, “Here’s Johnny!”

I shake my head at that thought. No, more like a vampire will jump out and try to drink my blood.

I keep meandering along the hallways. While the castle obviously has electricity, there are candles lit all throughout the corridors and in the rooms, which begs the question: if this place is really as empty as it seems, who's lighting all this? Surely Stephen didn't do all of this on his own—unless he has some mystical powers to go along with his vampirism.

Maybe he can just snap his fingers and have all the candles light up. I shouldn't put anything past him. Why would that be any more shocking than finding out that he's technically an undead thing that drinks blood to sustain him?

“My, my, my…what do we have here?”

I jump, startled by a man's sudden appearance.

I place a hand over my palpitating heart as I take a step back from where he's suddenly right beside me.

I instinctively know he’s a vampire. It's not really anything particular about the way he looks, but the way he seemed to materialize next to me so quickly.

He doesn't look as old as Stephan, but he's at least a couple of years older than me. He has dark hair, and while not as tall as Stephan, he definitely towers over me.

He leans in close to me and inhales deeply with his nose right near my neck and hair. He makes a humming sound of approval. “You smell so sweet, child.”

I stumble back from him, but he's right next to me again in a flash. I don't know if I'll ever get used to how quickly vampires can move.

I look up at him. While he might look just a couple of years older than me, something about the way he calls me “child” makes me think this vampire is much older than I am, though I suspect he's not quite as old as Stephan. He just doesn't seem as in control and powerful as Stephan.

“Who are you?” he asks me curiously, his head cocked to the side and his eyes glowing a soft amber, “and where did you come from?”

I take another step back from him—for all the good it will do as quickly as he can move back beside me.

“Who areyou?” I throw his own question back at him.

Stephan’s deep voice answers the question for him when he snaps the vampire’s name across the room like a whip. “Jerry.”

The sudden booming of Stephan’s voice sends me jumping, but the vampire just raises a lazy eyebrow up at Stephan and takes another step toward me.

Quick as a flash, Stephan is suddenly in front of me, positioning his body between me and the other vampire.

Something like a growl sounds from deep in the back of his throat as he tells him, “You’re fired. Get the fuck off my property right now.”

“Whoa!” Jerry holds his hands up. “That serious, huh?” He glances behind Stephan to look at me with renewed interest.

“I must agree that sheisrather special, but come on, Stephan. It's me.” He laughs like they're old pals, but Stephan definitely isn't laughing. His face remains stony, his eyes hard.

The other vampire’s smile falters. “Oh, shit. You’re serious.”

His eyes flick to me again. “I'm sorry, man. I didn't know she was yours—”

“Get the fuck off of my property this instant, Jerry, or I swear I won't be held accountable for what I do to you.”

Jerry doesn't make another sound of protest. Instead, he simply vanishes right before our very eyes.

I blink, and then Stephan looks down at me with a frown. “I can't let you out of my sight for a moment, can I?” he mutters, more to himself than to me.

“How did you find me?” I ask him.

He merely stares at me in that ambivalent way of his. “I can always find you, my sweet little angel.”

Why does my blasted heart trip within me when he calls me his little angel?

I should hate him. He's kidnapped me and is holding me here against my will.