“You were more important to me. And it’s not that you aren’t important to me now, but I’ve never felt this way for any other guy.” She looks from me to Carson. “Guys.”

Natalie scrunches her face. “Okay, as long as all of you promise not to gross me out, and Nathan double promises not to interfere with me and the neighbors, I’ll try to understand…and no best friend chats about your boyfriends anymore.”

“Deal.” We all say it at the same time.

“Do you mind if I go let Lincoln and Jefferson know that you’re okay with this?”

“I wouldn’t say I’m okay,” I say defensively.

“Nathan. No interfering.” Natalie flashes me a look that reminds me too much of the stern look our mom gave when she had to call us out on stupid shit.

“Fine. But if either of them hurts you…”

“You’ll be the first to know. I promise.” She jumps up, hugs me, Zoe, then Carson then rushes out.

I pull Zoe onto my lap, but it’s not until I brush the hair from her face that I see she’s crying. “What’s wrong?”

I wipe the tears away with my thumbs and Carson sits beside us.

“I didn’t think this would happen. It’s a dream come true.” She snuggles in tighter, finding out that I’m sporting an erection.

“You’re the dream come true, Goldie. And I’ll spend the rest of my life making sure you have your happily ever after. I love you more than anything.” I slide a hand between her legs and circle her clit through her shorts.

She shudders. “I love you too, both of you.”

Carson leans in, his forehead bridging ours, inches apart. “I love you too.”

I drop my head to the other side of Goldie’s neck. I have to focus on rewarding her with an orgasm for helping us come clean about our relationship. Carson takes advantage of my move and claims her mouth.

We’re perfect together. And I have a feeling we’re about to be even better.



Four years later

StretchingasIresistwaking up, I sense the weight of someone watching me. Our little girl is next door with Aunt Natalie and her kids, which is why I have the luxury of lounging on the rooftop deck.

I’m on my back with my arms overhead, wrists overlapping, pretending I’m still asleep. If I was anywhere other than our private deck, I’d be worried who’s silently watching me.

It’s such a far cry from four years ago when I’d awoken with a startle when Carson and Nathan caught me sunbathing. This time I really do have a bathing suit on, but it doesn’t cover any more than my bra and panties did that day. The rooftop deck is still my favorite place to relax, and the majesty of the mountains surrounding us never grows old.

Shifting my hips, I thrust my ass the direction I can tell the guys are watching from. I let out a tiny moan.

Lower, more gravelly moans confirm both guys are there.

I keep my breaths calm, my expression relaxed. I love letting them look at me. They always have so much adoration in their eyes, unless of course, it’s replaced by feral, primal, immediate need.

I’m still their adventurous Goldilocks who likes to try new things so I try out the fake sleep thing.

If they’re horny, which I’m sure they are, they’re getting rock hard.

The hurried clicks of a zipper lowering, followed by clothes hitting the ground validate my assessment.

I wait. My head is turned away, helping my efforts to suppress a smile.

“What do we have here? Is someone sleeping on our roof?” Nathan says playfully.