
“What?”Didhecallme Goldilocks or is the heat getting to me? Or am I still lost in sexual fluster over Nathan seeing me practically naked? I’ve played out countless fantasies of him, but this is much more nerve-wracking. I attempt to hide my unease. “I can’t be Goldilocks, I don’t even have blonde hair.”

“You’re practically naked on my rooftop deck, begging me not to get you fired. I think I can call you whatever I want,” Carson says.

I should be worried about what could happen given my predicament. Instead, the nickname makes my sex tingle and I suppose there’s an element of comfort that Carson is Nathan and Natalie’s brother. She only ever mentioned him a few times since he lived really far away.

“I should get dressed.” That is going to be difficult since my clothes are in the washing machine.

“Don’t do it on my account. I’m just wondering where your clothes went,” Carson feeds the wanton excitement brewing inside of me.

I search his expression for a hint of humor. There’s none.

He’s serious? My gaze flits to Nathan. Our eyes lock briefly, his jaw flexes, then he hurriedly looks away as he rakes a hand through his hair.

Natalie would kill me if she knew her brothers had just caught me in my underwear and bra, and liked it. She hated being the younger sister to a heartthrob. Girls of all ages tried to befriend her, or in the case of some of the older ones, they wanted to babysit her to get closer to Nathan. If Carson hadn’t lived so far away, he’d have doubled the trouble.

I kept my attraction to him to myself, which was made easier when he moved out since he’s so much older.

I glance around. The half-wall around the rooftop deck minimizes my exposure.

“I spilled coffee on the way here. The schedule said you weren’t getting home until tomorrow, so I didn’t think it would be a problem to put my clothes in the washer.”

“Fine. Maybe you should do up a few buttons, though,” Nathan adds, looking everywhere but at me.

“Maybe?” The question slips softly through my lips before I can stop it. Years of pent-up frustration take their toll.

“Button the shirt.” Nathan’s forceful tone sends exhilaration through me. Are there other things he’d like to command me to do? Well, since he’s telling me to button the shirt, maybe not. But I saw the way he and Carson looked at me. Even if nothing comes of it, he doesn’t completely see me as the little sister anymore.

With my head bowed, I slowly button my way up, carefully maneuvering the hand that’s full of my stuff. Am I crazy to feel something…for both of them? Guys like them probably want a woman who makes something of herself, and a woman with experience.

After being a good daughter, starting the engineering degree, and doing the internship my dad arranged, I quit college, fully convinced that listening to my parents had led me down the wrong path. A desk job would be too confining. I like freedom and ideas. But because my parents controlled most of my life, other than graciously allowing me to go through my goth phase as they’d termed it, I’ve been kind of lost.

Little did they know, they were the reason for my goth phase. A small rebellion.

I’m practically a stranger to myself.

My goal for the next couple of years is to make enough money to get by and figure out what Zoe Simon wants to do with her life. I need to break the habit of being dependent on people to make decisions for me.

Since my parents left town, moving back to Peach Bottom Valley provided an element of safety. And my new boss, Skylar, who I’ve known for years, offered a couch and a job until I get my feet on the ground.

“Stop.” Carson’s gravelly demand pulls me from my thoughts.

I glance at him then quickly back at my hands. I’m about to fasten the button that’s even with my breasts.

WhateverZoeis going to do with her future may be uncertain, but ifGoldilocksis reading the room, or rooftop correctly, the attraction isn’t just one-sided.

Can I take notes from the fairy tale? Beg for forgiveness rather than ask for permission… Is it different if I’m begging forgiveness for screwing my best friend’s brothers who also happen to be my employer’s client? Yeah, that’s not cool.

I could have a little fun with Carson since Natalie barely considered him her brother. Just a little. Nothing that would piss Natalie off or get me fired.

Is that how you like it? A little cleavage showing?The words are on the tip of my tongue and that’s where they need to stay.

The heavy silence doesn’t stop the fantasy from playing out in my mind.

I like it when you obey.Carson’s voice would crack a little. His possessive tone, despite the hitch, would hit me hard enough I could barely breathe.

Looking up at him from under my lashes, I would cleverly parry,“I like it when you tell me what to do.”