If only I didn’t want so much more, with either of them, or both of them. If I wasn’t moving in, this would be so much less awkward.

Me:I cleaned your brothers’ house today

Natalie:Don’t let them be jerks

Me:they seem pretty cool

Natalie:you’re destined for a lot more than picking up after my brothers

I knew she’d say it. Cooking and cleaning in exchange for great pay and getting to live here isn’t a bad trade-off. I’d stay longer. I’ll save the full story for a rainy day, which we’re about to have a few of. There’s a big storm coming.

I’m just not sure how I’ll deal with my sexual frustration. They work from home, so I won’t have much time alone. And with my bedroom sandwiched between theirs, I have two walls that might betray the buzz of my vibrator.

I’ll figure it out. Two weeks can’t be that bad, can it?



Uncurlingmyfingersfrommy unbearably hard cock, I grumble a curse at myself for not being able to stop the dirty train of thoughts that all feature Zoe.

Our housekeeper.

Our little sister’s friend, blah, blah, blah.

I don’t care who she is. If I can’t get some sleep and get my head straight, I’ll never be able to meet this accelerated deadline.

This is no less than the third time tonight I’ve woken up fucking my hand. I stroke my thumb over the pre-cum that’s insisting I deal with my one-track mind.

Nathan’s probably doing the same thing. There was no missing the way he looked at her. We spend so much time working we haven’t had to worry about being attracted to the same girl.

In the interest of common decency, I try to derail thoughts of Zoe. My spank bank comes up blank. Good. Maybe I can get some sleep.

I punch my pillow into shape and sprawl across my bed.

Neither Nathan nor I have gone on more than a handful of dates while we’ve been building our empire, our reputation, and our future. When our style of home design became the hottest thing on the market, and there seemed to be no upper limit to what people would pay to have us as their design team, we made a pact to capitalize on it.

We devote our lives to making a shit-ton of money while we’re en vogue. That’s how our million-dollar mountain home is paid off and we have healthy retirement accounts in place.

Next thing I know, I’m waking up with my cock in hand again. This time, I don’t resist.

I’m wound so tight, I might not even need lube. Every thought of Zoe shuttles me closer to release. That scrap of panties that barely covered her pussy. Her breasts spilling over the top of her bra. Even her smile and the way her eager, light blue eyes overflowed with happiness at the prospect of working with us.

Knowing that she’s in the next room is almost more than I can handle. Nathan’s right, keeping our relationship with her strictly business is the only way we’ll get through the next two weeks.

If we end up fighting over a girl, a woman, a goddess… It won’t end well personally or professionally.

My cock throbs at the thought… A faint buzzing catches my attention.

With a slow drag of my hand over my cock, I stall my craving enough to focus on the sound. I assumed it was from outside, and would pass, but it’s not growing any closer or farther like a vehicle would.

The cyclic hum is coming from Zoe’s room.

Shit. I shuffle upright, resting against the headboard. My dick’s standing at attention, straining thicker than ever, as I stare at the wall across the room.

If x-ray vision was real, I’m certain I’d be watching Zoe waste an orgasm on a dildo. She should never have to please herself. I’ll take one for the team. She can lie back and let me do all the work.

Pre-cum spills down my shaft. I wrap my fingers around it, rotating my hand to spread the slick seed. How wet is she? How sweet is she? I tamp down a growl.